This page contains Yozakura's quotes from the games she has appeared in.
Shinovi Versus[]
Menu, Screen, Idle, and Ninja Room quotes.
- (When player is idle): "Eh? What're you. Confused?"
- (When player is idle): "I'm from Okayama."
- (When player is idle): "Hey, you were just sleeping, weren't you?"
- (When player is idle): "Take your time."
- (When player is idle): "Don't keep me waitin'."
- (When entering the Library): "Hmm, what do you want to look at?"
- (When switching to Pics in the Library): "These are everybody's memories"
- (When switching to Vids in the Library): "Do you want to watch a movie?"
- (When switching to Music in the Library): "Which song are you in the mood for?"
- (When switching to Voice in the Library): "Which voice do you want to hear?"
- (When switching to Score in the Library): "Here's our battle records."
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When rank 1):
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When not rank 1): "I'll keep trying my hardest."
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When not rank 1): "I need to go out and do more."
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When not rank 1): "I just need to try harder."
- (When selecting Shinobi Girls' Code): "This is our story."
- (When selecting Shinobi Girl's Heart): "This is my story."
- (When selecting Training Field): "You can't ignore your daily training."
- (When selecting a mission): "You Ready?"
- (When selecting a mission): "Eh. Not really interested."
- (When selecting a mission): "I don't plan on losing."
- (When selecting a mission): "Oooh. Somebody out there needs a Knuckle Sandwich!"
- (When selecting a mission): "Let me gear up and go."
- (When selecting a mission): "Ain't no way I'm gonna lose."
- (When selecting a mission): "There's nothing my fists can't break!"
- (When selecting a mission): "This'll be too easy."
- (When selecting a mission): "Leave it to me."
- (When selecting Character Select): "Gotta Switch."
- (When selecting Character Select): "Somebody wanna switch with me?"
- (When switching to Yozakura on Character Select): "Got it."
- (When switching to Yozakura on Character Select): "Just leave it to me."
- (When switching to Yozakura on Character Select): "Am I alright?"
- (When viewing Yozakura's Progress Screen): "You want to see what I can do?"
- (When viewing Yozakura's Tech List Screen): "You want to see what I can REALLY do?"
- (When entering the Ninja Room Start Screen): "Which one's good?"
- (When entering the Records menu): "Gotta keep your record up."
- (When entering the Shinobi Dojo): "Bring it on!"
- (When entering the School Select menu): "Pick a School."
- (When entering the settings menu): "You can change different settings here."
- (When adjusting voice levels in the settings menu): "This is Yozakura. Can you hear me?"
- (When selecting an option from the Ninja Room start screen): "Which one's good?"
- (When you select an option from the Ninja Room start screen): "So, with this here...!"
- (When exiting out of the Ninja Room start screen/aborting Free Training): "I don't want that!"
- (When exiting the pause menu during a mission): "Quit Slacking."
- (When aborting a mission): "Better fall back for now."
- (When getting an A rank): "That's a nice grade. Thanks."
- (When getting a B rank): "I guess this'll do."
- (When getting a C rank): "I'll let this pass."
- (When Yozakura levels up): "And this is why I keep on training."
- (When Yozakura levels up): "Welll! Look how strong I'm getting!"
- (When Yozakura levels up): "I'm just going to keep getting stronger and stronger."
- (When Yozakura levels up): "Heh, I ain't gonna brag."
- (When Yozakura learns a new move): "Hey, I just thought of this new move!"
Flash Mode
- (Idle): "Ladies stick to fists. You kick, you're a chump!"
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "You guys are pretty fragile."
- (Limit Break): "Get lost!"
- (Taunt): "I'm gonna pulverize you"
- (Taunt): "How many people've I broken this whole time?"
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "I can power!"
- (Launch attack): "Break!"
- (Launch attack): "Predictable!"
- Transition into Aerial Rave): "There!"
- (Obtained Item): "Gotcha!"
- (Transitioning to next area): "I can keep on going!"
- (Dazed): ""
- (Victory): "Mission complete!"
Yang Mode
- (Entering Yang Mode): "...Shinobi...Transformation!"
- (Idle): "There's nothin' my fists can't break!"
- (After defeating all enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "Is that it...?"
- (Limit break): Fly back!
- (Taunt): "I'll just breaak right through the front!"
- (Taunt): "Aaah, I want to get out there and fight!"
- (Ninja Art Gauge Filled): "You wanna play hardball? Let's play hardball!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "With this one hit... I'll punch right through!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "*phew* One hit... finisher!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): " Hmph! One Thousand Palm Fists of... Paradise!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 1): "Punch on through!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 1): "Eat this!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "You want this? Ten Thousand Palm Fists Of Paradise Hell!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Ten Thousand Palm Fists of... Paradise Hell!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): Ten Thousand... Palm Fists of... Paradise Hell!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 2): "BOOM! Right through you guys!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Eat this!"
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "Namu Amida!"
- (Launch attack): "BOOM! Right through you guys!"
- (Launch attack): "Eat this!"
- (Launch attack): "Punch on through!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "I'll take you out!"
- (Obtained Item): "I'll be taking that!"
- (Transitioning to next area): "Is that all you got?"
- (Dazed): ""
- (Victory): "That was way too easy!"
Yin Mode
- (Entering Yin Mode): "Frantic!"
- (Idle)"Nothing can't stop these fists of mine. You just watch!"
- (After defeating all enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "That... was pretty easy."
- (Limit break): "Outta my way!"
- (Taunt): "I'll break right through the middle!"
- (Taunt): "I'll sock em right down the middle!"
- (Ninja Art Gauge Filled): "Filling up nicely!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "One Thousand Palm Fists of... Paradise!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "I'll insta-kill you a thousand times over!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "Phew! Just try and stop my fists!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 1): "Break through!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 1): "Rush through!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 1): "Steady!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "This is it! Ten Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise Death!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Time to pray! Ten Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise Death!"
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "Namu Amida!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Rush through!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Steady!"
- (After using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Break through!"
- (Launch attack): "Steady!"
- (Launch attack): "Rush through!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "Not getting away!"
- (Obtained Item): "Yeah, I can use this."
- (Transitioning to next area): "I'll take you all on!"
- (Dazed): ""
- (Victory): "This mission's as sour as old milk."
Bon Appetit![]
Estival Versus/Burst Re:Newal[]
Menu, Screen, and Idle quotes
- (When choosing on the menu/Idle): "Which one will it be...?"
- (When choosing on the menu/Idle): "I don't mind if you take your time."
- (When choosing on the menu/Idle): "What should I do about tonight's dinner...?"
- (When choosing on the menu/Idle): "Please don't keep me waiting."
- (When selecting something on the menu): "Let's do that."
- (When backing out from the menu): "No."
- (When switching to Pics in the Library): "These photos are our precious memories."
- (When switching to Vids in the Library): "You want to watch a movie?"
- (When switching to Music in the Library): "Let's listen to a song together."
- (When switching to Voice in the Library): "Whose voice do you want to hear?"
- (When switching to Terms in the Library): "Let's look up some words you don't know"
- (When switching to Visuals in the Library): "Which one will it be...?"
- (When switching to Results in the Library - When not rank 1): "Looks like I'm not quite there yet."
- (When switching to Results in the Library - When not rank 1): "Effort will lead to growth."
- (When selecting a mission in Kagura Millennium Festival): "This is everybody's story."
- (When selecting a Shinobi Girl's Heart): "Each person has their own story here."
- (When selecting a Special mission): "Let's do that."
- (After selecting a mission): "I'm not really interested in this."
- (After selecting a mission): "I wonder what kind of warriors I'll meet."
- (After selecting a mission): "My fists are ready!"
- (After selecting a mission): "Leave this to me."
- (After selecting a mission): "I'll move forward on the path of the Martial Artist!"
- (After selecting a mission): "I feel like my fists are even better than usual today."
- (After selecting a mission): "Can anybody stop me?!"
- (After selecting a mission): "There's nothing my fists can't break!"
- (After selecting a mission): "Going in with a focused mind."
- (When viewing Yozakura's Progress screen): This is my power."
- (When viewing Yozakura's Tech List Screen): "You need to check my moves?"
- (When entering the settings menu): "You can change various settings."
- (When adjusting voice levels in the settings menu): "This is Yozakura. Can you hear me?"
- (When exiting the pause menu during a mission): "Break time's over."
- (When aborting a mission): "Tch... Time to fall back for now."
- (When getting an A rank): "Now that's a grade!"
- (When getting a B rank): "Seems like I win."
- (When getting a C rank): ""
- (When getting a D rank): ""
- (When Yozakura levels up): "I want to become even stronger!"
- (When Yozakura levels up): "Training always turn into skill eventually."
- (When Yozakura levels up): "I've gotten stronger."
- (When Yozakura levels up): "And the training pays off!"
- (When Yozakura learns a new move): ""
Flash Mode
- (Idle): "Should tonight's dinner be curry...?"
- (After entering a Shinobi Barrier): "This is still easy!"
- (After defeating all of the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "What a boring bunch."
- (Limit break): "Out of my way!"
- (Taunt): "Come at me Straight on!"
- (Taunt): "What color's your blood? Let's find out"
- (Taunt): "Now, let's see which of us has the better moves!"
- (Taunt): "Should I turn you into light?"
- (Taunt): "Can I say that I'm gonna win?"
- (Taunt): "You're still waiting around?"
- (Taunt): "I'll break that spirit of yours."
- (Taunt): "Now you've pissed me off."
- (Taunt): "No matter who my enemy is, I'm pushing forward!"
- (Taunt): "Got a ticket to paradise with your name on it."
- (Ninja Art gauge filled): "I feel like I can't lose now!"
- (Transition to an Aerial Rave): "There!"
- (When recovering): "Not bad."
- (When recovering): "Over there!"
- (Obtained item): "Got it."
- (When item is thrown): "How's this!?"
- (Dazed): "Agh, My head..."
- (Victory): "Mission complete. Time to go home."
Yang Mode
- (Idle): "Did I put the laundry out to dry...?"
- (After entering a Shinobi Barrier): "You're joking, right?"
- (After defeating all of the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "A baby coulda outfought ya."
- (Limit Break): "Fly back!"
- (Taunt): "Come at me Straight on!"
- (Taunt): "What color's your blood? Let's find out"
- (Taunt): "Now, let's see which of us has the better moves!"
- (Taunt): "Should I turn you into light?"
- (Taunt): "Can I say that I'm gonna win?"
- (Taunt): "You're still waiting around?"
- (Taunt): "I'll break that spirit of yours."
- (Taunt): "Now you've pissed me off."
- (Taunt): "No matter who my enemy is, I'm pushing forward!"
- (Taunt): "Got a ticket to paradise with your name on it."
- (Ninja Art Gauge Filled): "Oh, we're just getting started."
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 1): "I'll take you out with one punch!! This is the end!!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 1): "This one hit will end it! One Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 1): "It's curtains for you! This is the end!!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 1): "It's curtains for you! One Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Let me give you a prayer! Ten Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise Hell!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Let me give you a prayer! Try blocking this!!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Can you stay standing!? Try blocking this!!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Here's the finisher! Try blocking this!!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Can you stay standing!? Ten Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise Hell!"
- (Using Secret Ninja Art 2): "Here's the finisher! Ten Thousand Palm Fists of Paradise Hell!"
- (Using Absolute Ninja Art): "Try This! It's everything I've got! Shin Nam Amida!"
- (Using Absolute Ninja Art): "I'm not lettin' you go to Paradise! I'M TAKING YOU DOWN!"
- (Using Absolute Ninja Art): "I'm not lettin' you go to Paradise! Shin Nam Amida!"
- (Using Aboslute Ninja Art): "Try This! It's everything I've got! I'M TAKING YOU DOWN!"
- (Transition to an Aerial Rave): "Takin' you down!"
- (When recovering): "Not bad."
- (When getting up from the ground): "This can't be all you got."
- (Obtained item): "I'll take that!"
- (Victory): "I finished up even faster than I'd expected."
Peach Beach Splash[]
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Bah, you're boring."
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Boom!"
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Not good enough."
- (Achieving a Streak) "3-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "5-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "10-shinobi streak!"
- (Recovering) "Not yet!"
- (Stripped) "Th-This is embarrassing!"
- (Down) "I...can't lose yet..."
- (Down) "It looks like...this is it..."
- (Soaked) "How can I...lose like this...?"
- (Soaked) "Please...stop..."
- (Starting Mission) "Let's...splash!"
- (Starting Mission) "Now...let's go!"
- (Starting Mission) "All right, a real match!"
- (Starting Mission) "Now...let's have a fair fight!"
- (Starting Mission) "I, Yozakura, shall sink into the dreams of sleeping souls."
- (Starting Mission) "Yozakura, ready to go!"
- (Completing Mission) "Worked up a good sweat!"
- (Completing Mission) "Quick and easy!"
- (Completing Mission) "I'm the winner!"
- (Failing Mission) "No way..."
- (Failing Mission) "That's too much..."
- (Failing Mission) "I'm sorry..."
- (Powering Up) "I'm burnin' up!"
- (Powering Up) "I ain't losin' now!"
- (Powering Up) "Now this's power!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "We're doin' this!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Someone's gettin' a spankin'!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Beautiful, ain't it?"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Big finish!"
- (Charging Card) "Boost!"
- (Receiving Buff) "I love this feeling!"
- (Receiving Buff) "Yes!"
- (Receiving Buff) "It's here!"
- (Receiving Debuff) "You ain't bad..."
- (Summoning Pet) "Come on out!"
- (Summoning Pet) "I'm counting on you!"
- (Summoning Pet) "Time to summon!"
- (Being Idle) *Sneezes*
- (Being Idle) "Eat right, sleep, and work out, and you won't get colds as often."
- (Being Idle) "A place like this has got to be hard to clean up."
- (Being Idle) "When your clothes get wet, you've got to do something about it."
- (Being Idle) "Let's see how this turns out."
- (Enemy Appears) "I'll take 'em all down!"
- (KO'ing an Enemy) "I did it!"
- (Taunting) "Did you eat your breakfast?!"
- (Taunting) "Go clean your room!"
- (Taunting) "Like taking candy from a baby."
- (Taunting) "You know I already won this, right?"
- (Taunting) "Piece o' cake!"
- (Communication 1) "Yes!"
- (Communication 2) "See you!"
- (Communication 3) "I did it!"
- (Communication 4) "I-I'm not crying..."
- (Communication 5) "Now I'm mad!"
- (Communication 6) "Hip, hip, hooray!"
- (Communication 7) "Heeey!"
- (Communication 8) "How are these?"
- (Communication 9) "Someone needs a smack upside the head! ♪"
- (Communication 10) "How's that?!"
-Game Start-Up-
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA!"
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA: Peach Beach Splash"
- (Starting a New Game) "It's about to begin!"
- (Continuing the Game) "You're going to keep going?"
- (Continuing the Game) "Nice to work with you again today."
- (Continuing the Game) "You're here!"
- (Selecting Single Player) "Single Splash!"
- (Selecting Multiplayer) "Multi-Splash!"
- (Selecting Training) "Training!"
- (Selecting Story Mode) "Story Mode!"
- (Selecting V-Road Challenge) "V-Road Challenge!"
- (Selecting Tutorial) "Tutorial!"
- (Selecting Practice) "Practice!"
- (Selecting Mission) ""
- (Starting Mission as Yozakura) ""
- (Resuming Mission) ""
- (Aborting Mission) ""
- (Retrying Mission) ""
- (Retiring from Mission) ""
- (Receiving an A Rank) ""
- (Receiving a B Rank) ""
- (Receiving a C Rank) ""
- (Receiving a D Rank) ""
- (Skipping Cutscene) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Selecting Library) ""
- (Selecting Battle Records) ""
- (Selecting Movies) ""
- (Selecting Illustrations) ""
- (Selecting Soundtracks) ""
- (Selecting Voices) ""
- (Selecting Card Book) ""
- (Selecting Settings) ""
- (Adjusting Voice Volume) ""
- (Confirming Selection) ""
- (Rejecting Selection) ""
- (Selecting An Option) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
-Dressing Room-
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Selecting Favorite Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Remaining Idle) '
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Selecting Purchase) ""
- (Confirming Purchase) ""
- (Insufficient Funds) ""
- (Out of Stock) ""