Kagura Wiki

This page contains Yomi's quotes from each game she's appeared in.

Portrait of Girls/Crimson Girls[]

As you progress through Crimson Girls her dialogue in the ninja room will change after specific missions are cleared.

  • (After Mission 1-05): "You can take the elevator to go on missions. Please be certain to prepare fully before you leave or you could really get hurt."
  • (After Mission 1-06): "I'm suddenly hungry..."
  • (After Mission 1-07): "I wonder what bean sprout dish I should make today..."

  • (When entering): "Which outfit should I wear?"
  • (When entering): "I don't like being the only one dressed so nice..."
  • (When entering): "There are so many beautiful outfits..."
  • (When selecting the Hebijo School Uniform): "That's our uniform."
  • (When selecting her shinobi outfit): "That's my best and only good outfit."
  • (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "Not too bad..."
  • (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "How do you like it?"
  • (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "Does it look good on me?"
  • (When changing swimsuit): "It's a swimsuit..."
  • (When changing swimsuit): "That's kind of...embarrassing..."
  • (When changing swimsuit): "Well, how cute!"
  • (When changing swimsuit): "I can't wear something so extravagant..."
  • (Boob shake): "P-please stop it!"
  • (Boob shake): "Hey...Stop it..."
  • (Boob shake): "Hey!"
  • (Boob shake): "Your eye's are like a wolf's."
  • (When using the 3DS mic to blow up her skirt): ""

  • (Stage start): "I sacrifice myself to the will of evil!"
  • (Entering Yang Mode): "My turn! Shinobi... Transformation!"
  • (Yang Mode transformation complete): "I am just getting started."
  • (When initiating her Secret Ninja Art): "Secret Ninja Art"
  • (When using her Secret Ninja Art): "...Here...we...GO!!"
  • (When using her Secret Ninja Art): "...Take this! SIGMUND!!"
  • (When filling her Secret Ninja Art gauge): "I'm ready!"
  • (When picking up an item): "I'll take that!"
  • (When advancing to the next area in a stage): "Hee hee. I did it!"
  • (When damaging enemies): "I won't let you get away!"
  • (Mission complete): "Oh my... You were brought up differently, weren't you?"

  • Deep Crimson[]

    As you progress through Deep Crimson her dialogue in her team's hideout will change after specific missions are cleared.

    • (When spoken to in the hideout): "Is something the matter?"
    • (For the entirety of the Crimson Chapter): "A renegade must also be a survivalist. That's why I have a suggestion for everyone. In order to be self-sufficient, let us make this entire cave into a sprout farm."
    • (During the Naraku Chapter): "When I hear "Kyoto," I think of Kyoto vegetables. Their taste is scrumptious. Wonderful for adding a dash of verve to your dish. Of course, they could never grow higher than bean sprouts. Sprouts are the supreme ingredient. Please do not forget that."

  • (When selecting her as guide): "My name is Yomi and I will be your guide."
  • (When player is idle): "Is something the matter?"
  • (When player is idle): "This is difficult."
  • (When player is idle): "Hello... Are you awake?"
  • (When player is idle): "Today's dish is fried chives and sprouts. No chives."
  • (When exiting a menu): "Let's no do that one."
  • (When entering Library): "Ohm my! There are so many things to enjoy!"
  • (When selecting Statistics): "Here are our records."
  • (When selecting Pics): "Each one is a wonderful memory."
  • (When selecting Movies): "Here are our activities in motion."
  • (When selecting Music): "Which one will you listen to?"
  • (When selecting Voices): "This must be voice training!"
  • (When selecting Novels): "You can look back on the story."
  • (When selecting Enemy Guide): "They were very formidable opponents..."
  • (When selecting Glossary): "It is necessary to study from time to time!"
  • (When selecting Status): "You can check on our stats."
  • (When selecting a menu from the touch screen): "I choose you!"
  • (When selecting Co-op): "I am waiting for friends!"
  • (When selecting Internet Co-op): "Let us play with people from afar!"
  • (When selecting Local Co-op): "Let us play with people nearby!"
  • (When selecting Streetpass Co-op): "Whom will we meet today?"
  • (When selecting Record): "It is very important to leave a trail."
  • (When selecting Save in Record): "I will record."
  • (When selecting Load in Record): "I will load a record."
  • (When selecting Delete in Record): "I will delete a record."
  • (When selecting Settings): "You can change various settings."
  • (When selecting Sound Settings): "You can change the sound settings."
  • (When adjusting the Voice volume): "This is Yomi! Can you hear me?"
  • (When selecting Visual Settings): "You can change the visuals and other settings."
  • (When unpausing): "Break time is over."
  • (When skipping a cutscene): "Let us skip."
  • (When checking Progress): "Look over the statistics if you like."
  • (When selecting Missions): "Which one should it be?"
  • (When selecting Story Missions): "This is our story."
  • (When selecting Yōma's Nest): "I have nothing but my soul. Behold my power!"
  • (When selecting Field Training): "Nothing like a little special training for the soul."
  • (When selecting Switch Characters): "Switch!"
  • (When switching to Homura/Mirai/Haruka/Murasame): "Homura!/Mirai!/Haruka!/Murasame!"
  • (When switching from Homura/Mirai/Haruka/Murasame): "Roger!"
  • (When switching to Ikaruga/selecting Ikaruga as your partner): "If you will, Ikaruga."
  • (When switching from Ikaruga/selecting Yomi as Ikaruga's partner): "What?! Me?"
  • (When switching to Hikage/selecting Hikage as your partner): "Hikage, are you...okay with switching?"
  • (When switching from Hikage/selecting Yomi as Hikage's partner): "Wha?! Me?"

  • (When entering): "Which outfit shall it be...?"
  • (When entering): "I shouldn't be more extravagant than the others."
  • (When entering): "There are so many beautiful outfits..."
  • (When selecting the Hebijo School uniform): "That's our uniform."
  • (When selecting her shinobi outfit): "That's my best outfit. I know that isn't saying much..."
  • (When changing outfit/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "Let us try on other things!"
  • (When changing outfit/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "How is this?"
  • (When changing outfit/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "This kind of luxury is not allowed!"
  • (When changing outfit/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "Please decorate me in accessories."
  • (When changing outfit/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "This is it!"
  • (When changing swimsuit): "Are these...mittens?"
  • (When changing swimsuit): "There is not enough cloth on this one."
  • (When changing swimsuit): "This is small."
  • (When changing swimsuit): "I feel they are about to pop out."
  • (When changing swimsuit): "It's tight..."

  • (Starting a Mission): "Yomi, ready for battle!"
  • (Starting a Mission as your partner): "Um, but I have to tend to the bean sprouts..."
  • (When starting a Mission/starting a Mission with anyone but Hikage or Ikaruga as your partner): "I will sacrifice myself to the will of our dance!"
  • (When starting a Mission with Hikage): "About tonight's dinner..." "No, it can't be!"
  • (When starting a Mission with Ikaruga): "Wait, please!" "I need to water my sprouts..."
  • (Entering Yang Mode): "Shinobi...Transformation!"
  • (When using her Secret Ninja Art): "Right down the middle!"
  • (When using her Secret Ninja Art): "Sigmund!"
  • (When using Yomi and Hikage's Secret Fusion Ninja Art): (Start of first dialogue) "Speaking of sprout trivia..." (Start of second dialogue) "Speaking of soy bean sprouts..." (Start of third dialogue) "About the cultivation of bean sprouts..." (Start of fourth dialogue) "I might have mentioned this before, but..." (Start of fifth dialogue) "About bean sprouts..." (She says all this next dialogue really fast. This middle part is the same regardless of start and end dialogue as those are set to fixed pairs.) "Eastern Japan favors green bean sprouts and soy bean sprouts. In western Japan, they love black gram sprouts. But I personally prefer the texture of soy bean sprouts the best. The problem is that soy bean sprouts are the most expensive to produce. That's why they're not as popular. But I was able to raise them myself in a simple foam box." (End of first dialogue.) "Isn't that amazing?" (End of second dialogue) "The crunchiness is unbelievable!" (End of third dialogue) "It's the perfect food for every occasion!" (End of fourth dialogue) "Makes you hungry, doesn't it?" (End of fifth dialogue) "What do you think about that?"
  • (When using Yomi and Ikaruga's Secret Fusion Ninja Art): (First dialogue) "Ikaruga!" "How was that?" (Second dialogue) "Let us go!" "Nice finish!" (Third dialogue) "Wind!" "That looked great!" (Fourth dialogue) "Ikaruga!" "What did you say?" (Fifth dialogue) "Over here, yes?!" "Nicely done, Your Highness." (Both girls together) "Flaming Guillotine!"
  • (When summoning an enemy in training): "Shall we dance?"
  • (When advancing to the next area in a stage): "Charge!!"
  • (When damaging an opponents outfit/your outfit is damaged): "Advantage!!"
  • (Outfit is damaged): "Cloth is not free!"
  • (Outfit is damaged): "N-no.."
  • (Mission Complete): "Well, what can I say?"
  • (Mission Complete with Hikage): "As soon as we get home, I need to water my sprouts." (Affection is higher than 10) "Hee hee, look at the results of our training."
  • (Mission Complete with Ikaruga): "NOW I can water my sprouts!" "Ahem...!"
  • (When Mission score is B): "Well, I cannot argue with that."
  • (When Mission score is C): "That was rather close."
  • (When aborting a Mission): "I just remembered something!"
  • (When aborting a Mission): "I feel rather unwell..."
  • (When aborting a Mission): "We must retreat!"
  • (When aborting a Mission): "We must abort the mission!"
  • (When aborting a Mission): "Suddenly, I feel so hungry..."
  • (When setting Mission difficulty to easy): "I will make it in time for the sale."
  • (When setting Mission difficulty to medium): "My sword is growling!"
  • (When setting Mission difficulty to hard): "I will not lose to those who have everything!"
  • (When leveling up): "I remember!"
  • (When leveling up): "This is all from my daily training."
  • (When leveling up): "I am growing steadily stronger."

  • Shinovi Versus[]

    Bon Appétit![]

    Estival Versus[]

    Peach Beach Splash[]


    • (When KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "No surprise."
    • (When KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Not a challenge."
    • (When KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "How unsatisfying."
    • (When Achieving a Streak) "3-shinobi streak!"
    • (When Achieving a Streak) "5-shinobi streak!"
    • (When Achieving a Streak) "10-shinobi streak!"
    • (When Recovering) "How could this be?!"
    • (When Stripped) "Ahh! My... My clothes...!"
    • (When Stripped) "H-How humiliating!"
    • (When Down) "Th-This is..."
    • (When Down) "I cannot go on..."
    • (When Soaked) "How devastating..."
    • (When Starting Mission) "Let's...splash!"
    • (When Starting Mission) "Now... Here I come!"
    • (When Starting Mission) "I will make sure you get soaked!"
    • (When Starting Mission) "Now...let's have a fair fight!"
    • (When Starting Mission) "I, Yomi, will sacrifice myself to the will of our dance!"
    • (When Starting Mission) "Yomi, ready to fight!"
    • (When Completing Mission) "Mission complete!"
    • (When Completing Mission) "That was marvelous!"
    • (When Completing Mission) "I won!"
    • (When Failing Mission) "How unfortunate..."
    • (When Failing Mission) "How...can I accept this?"
    • (When Failing Mission) "How can this be...?"
    • (When Powering Up) "Here I go!"
    • (When Powering Up) "I'm definitely feeling it now!"
    • (When Powering Up) "Now it begins!"
    • (When Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Settle down. ♪"
    • (When Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "To punish luxury!"
    • (When Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Prepare yourself!"
    • (When Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Know your place!"
    • (When Charging Card) "Fever!"
    • (When Buffed) "Wonderful!"
    • (When Buffed) "So exciting!"
    • (When Buffed) "I can feel it!"
    • (When Summoning Pet) "Come on out!"
    • (When Summoning Pet) "I'm counting on you!"
    • (When Summoning Pet) "Come forth!"
    • (When Idle) *Sneezes*
    • (When Idle) "This card... How much would I get if I sold it?"
    • (When Idle) "Water guns keep clothes intact. It's like doing laundry!"
    • (When Idle) "I would love to deliver clean water...to the slums..."
    • (When Idle) "Ooh... My belly is getting a bit chilly..."
    • (When Enemy Appears) "Keep them coming!"
    • (When KO'ing an Enemy) "Obviously!"
    • (When Taunting) "You're being disrespectful to bean sprouts!"
    • (When Taunting) "Is that your best?"
    • (When Taunting) "Eat bean sprouts and try again!"
    • (When Taunting) "Luxury is unforgivable!"
    • (When Taunting) "I will turn you into bean sprout nutrients!"
    • (When Communicating) "Greetings!"
    • (When Communicating) "Please take care."
    • (When Communicating) "How wonderful!"
    • (When Communicating) "I'm so hungry..."
    • (When Communicating) "I cannot hold it in any longer!"
    • (When Communicating) "Let us move forward together!"
    • (When Communicating) "How unfortunate!"
    • (When Communicating) "Please take a look!"
    • (When Communicating) "Bean sprouts, bean sprouts. ♪"
    • (When Communicating) "Ahem!"

    -Game Start-Up-

    • (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA!"
    • (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA: Peach Beach Splash"
    • (Starting a New Game) "Let's begin!"
    • (Continuing the Game) "Let's continue!"
    • (Continuing the Game) "Today's another day of bean sprouts!"
    • (Continuing the Game) "I'm so glad to see you here!"


    • (Selecting Single Player) "Single Splash!"
    • (Selecting Multiplayer) "Multi-Splash!"
    • (Selecting Training) "Training!"
    • (Selecting Story Mode) "Story Mode!"
    • (Selecting V-Road Challenge) "V-Road Challenge!"
    • (Selecting Tutorial) "Tutorial!"
    • (Selecting Practice) "Practice!"
    • (Selecting Mission) "Please select an episode!"
    • (Starting Mission as Yomi) "Here I go!"
    • (Resuming Mission) "Resuming the mission!"
    • (Aborting Mission) "It's almost time to take care of the bean sprouts."
    • (Retrying Mission) "Not yet!"
    • (Retiring from Mission) "I'll have to try this again later..."
    • (Receiving an A Rank) "This is the power of bean sprouts!"
    • (Receiving a B Rank) "Thank you, oh so much. ♪"
    • (Receiving a C Rank) "Not BAD, but..."
    • (Receiving a D Rank) "I didn't have enough bean sprouts..."
    • (Skipping Cutscene) "Time to fly ahead."
    • (Editing Card Deck) "Here are your choices. ♪"
    • (Editing Card Deck) "Please select one. ♪"
    • (Editing Card Deck) "I shall leave it to you. ♪"
    • (Selecting Library) "Here is the library."
    • (Selecting Battle Records) "Here are everybody's battle records."
    • (Selecting Movies) "Here is a collection of films."
    • (Selecting Illustrations) "How nostalgic!"
    • (Selecting Soundtracks) "It's nice to sit back and enjoy the music."
    • (Selecting Voices) "You can listen to voices."
    • (Selecting Card Book) "This is a card encyclopedia."
    • (Selecting Settings) "You can change the settings."
    • (Adjusting Voice Volume) "My name is Yomi. How do you do?"
    • (Confirming Selection) "It's decided!"
    • (Rejecting Selection) "I've changed my mind."
    • (Selecting An Option) "Which one shall it be?"
    • (Waiting in Menu) *gasp* "I sense bean sprouts nearby...!"
    • (Waiting in Menu) "Sprouts. ♪ Bean sprouts, sprouts... ♪"
    • (Waiting in Menu) "Tee hee... I...am the queen of the Land of Sprouts..."
    • (Waiting in Menu) *Making sounds from eating bean sprouts*
    • (Waiting in Menu) "Bean sprouts must be chewed thoroughly. ♪"

    -Dressing Room-

    • (Dressing Up) "Time to dress up!"
    • (Dressing Up) "There are so many wonderful clothes...!"
    • (Dressing Up) "Is it alright for a shinobi to live so luxuriously...?"
    • (Selecting Favorite Outfit) "I love this one!"
    • (Changing Outfit) "It's so shiny!"
    • (Changing Outfit) "Tee hee, how is this?"
    • (Changing Outfit) "How adorable!"
    • (Adding an Accessory) "Accessories? How luxurious..."
    • (Adding an Accessory) "Th-This for me...?!"
    • (Adding an Accessory) "This is fun!"
    • (Changing Hairstyle) "So beautiful!"
    • (Changing Hairstyle) "This is me...?!"
    • (Changing Hairstyle) "How wonderful!"
    • (Changing Lingerie) "Th-This is a new item scent!"
    • (Changing Lingerie) "I feel so blessed!"
    • (Changing Lingerie) "P-Please do not look at me like that..."
    • (Adjusting Accessory) "Where are you going to place that?"
    • (Adjusting Accessory) "Where would you like to put it?"
    • (Adjusting Accessory) "Have you decided where that's going to go?"


    • (Reacting in VR) "Do as you please..."
    • (Reacting in VR) "If you do anything funny, I'll get upset..."
    • (Reacting in VR) "Are you planning to take photos?"


    • (Zooming Into Her Face) "You're far too close!"
    • (Zooming Into Her Face) "Please step away now!"
    • (Zooming Into Her Face) "It seems you have been attracted by the scent of bean sprouts. ♪"
    • (Zooming Into Her Face) "P-Please do not stare at me like that..."
    • (Zooming Into Her Face) "You're making me blush..."
    • (Shaking Her Cleavage) "Wh-What are you doing?!"
    • (Shaking Her Cleavage) "This is embarrassing..."
    • (Shaking Her Cleavage) "U-Umm..."
    • (Shaking Her Cleavage) "How humiliating..."
    • (Shaking Her Cleavage) "You're the worst!"
    • (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) "How crude!"
    • (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) "Would you like me to step on you?!"
    • (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) "Shall I step on you?"
    • (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) "That suits you perfectly."
    • (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) "You're not ready to pay the price for that..."
    • (Touching Her Body) "Please stop..."
    • (Touching Her Body) "That tickles..."
    • (Touching Her Body) "Y-You're startling me..."
    • (Touching Her Body) "D-Don't think I'm happy with this..."
    • (Remaining Idle) "Could you entertain me a bit more?"
    • (Remaining Idle) *Hums a song*
    • (Remaining Idle) "Please do not bore me!"


    • (Entering the Shop) "Welcome!"
    • (Entering the Shop) "What would you like to purchase today?"
    • (Leaving the Shop) "Thank you very much for your patronage. ♪"
    • (Leaving the Shop) "Please come again!"
    • (Selecting Purchase) "How about this?"
    • (Confirming Purchase) "Thank you very much for your purchase. ♪"
    • (Insufficient Funds) "Haggling is strictly prohibited!"
    • (Out of Stock) "Unfortunately, we no longer carry that..."


    Burst Re:Newal[]

    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) "I’m hungry for bean sprouts..."
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) "I will seize our supper."
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) "I’m prepared and ready to go!"
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) "Could it be you really do have some backbone?"
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) "Then I shall be off."
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) ""
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) ""
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) ""
    • (When selecting a mission with Yomi) ""
    • (When selecting Training Grounds with Yomi) "If you get hungry, just start training! ♪"
    • (When choosing a mission) "Goodbye."
    • (When returning from a mission) "Welcome back."
    • (When checking Yomi's Tech Lists) "Would you like to examine my power?"
    • (When exiting pause mode during a mission) "Time to get back to work."
    • (When aborting a mission) "Urk... I will retreat for now!"
    • (When leveling up) "How great am I?!"
    • (When leveling up) "Witness the results of all my training."
    • (When leveling up) "All thanks to the divine protection of bean sprouts. ♪"
    • (When leveling up) "No one can stop me. ♪"
    • (When 1st on the leaderboard) ""
    • (Progressing in F, Yi, or Ya) "I’ve got it!"
    • (When ranked A) "Hee hee. Well, obviously. ♪"
    • (When ranked B) "Well, this is only natural."
    • (When ranked C) ""
    • (When ranked D) "Oh... How could this be...?"
    • (When the mission was failed) "You laugh at the poor and they’re going to cry!"
    • (When selecting Retry after failing a mission) "This will not break me!"
    • (When skipping a story scene) ""

  • (When entering dressing room)
  • (When entering dressing room)
  • (When entering dressing room)
  • (When changing outfit)
  • (When changing outfit)
  • (When changing outfit
  • (When changing outfit)
  • (When changing outfit)
  • (When changing underwear)
  • (When changing underwear)
  • (When changing underwear)
  • (When changing underwear)
  • (When slapped somewhere)
  • (When slapped somewhere)
  • (When slapped somewhere)
  • (When slapped somewhere)

  • (Mission start) "I sacrifice myself to the will of our dance..."
  • (Idle (Flash)) "I wonder how the sprouts will taste today..."
  • (Idle (Yang)) "Are there any bean sprouts growing around here?"
  • (Idle (Yin)) "Sprouts... I need more sprouts..."
  • (Taunt) "Hee hee, it seems you want to die. ♪"
  • (Taunt) "Would you like to discuss bean sprouts with me?"
  • (Taunt) "Oh, are you my dance partner?"
  • (Taunt) "Could you please entertain me a bit more?"
  • (Taunt) "Bean sprouts are the world’s greatest treasure!"
  • (Taunt) ""
  • (Taunt) ""
  • (Taunt) ""
  • (Taunt) ""
  • (100-hit combo) "100-hit combo!"
  • (200-hit combo) "200-hit combo!"
  • (300-hit combo) "300-hit combo!"
  • (400-hit combo) "400-hit combo!"
  • (500-hit combo) "500-hit combo! I can keep going!"
  • (600-hit combo) "600-hit combo!"
  • (700-hit combo) "700-hit combo!"
  • (800-hit combo) "800-hit combo!"
  • (900-hit combo) "900-hit combo!"
  • (1000-hit combo) "1000-hit combo! Behold the power of bean sprouts!"
  • (Knockdown recovery (Flash)) "I was careless..."
  • (Knockdown recovery (Yang)) "My clothes are going to be filthy!"
  • (Knockdown recovery (Yin)) "We have so much more to enjoy!"
  • (Wakeup) "I have to be careful!"
  • (Air wakeup (Flash)) "Not yet!"
  • (Air wakeup (Yang)) "That won’t do!"
  • (Air wakeup (Yin)) "Now you’ve done it!"
  • (Wakeup attack) "You’re too slow!"
  • (Stunned (Flash)) "One bean sprout... two bean sprouts..."
  • (Stunned (Yang)) "Now you’ve done it...!"
  • (Stunned (Yin)) "Ahh... You’re... too rough...!"
  • (Aerial Rave (Flash)) "You’re not getting away!"
  • (Aerial Rave (Yang)) "Are you not here to dance?"
  • (Aerial Rave (Yin)) "I’m ready to fight!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Flash)) "The power!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yang)) "I’m really feeling the power!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yin)) "Ahh... the bean sprouts are overflowing!"
  • (Entering Burst Mode (Flash)) "This is still no threat!"
  • (Entering Burst Mode (Yang)) "By all means, keep coming!"
  • (Burst Mode finisher) "How’s this?!"
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Flash)) "Naturally!"
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Yang)) "That ended rather quickly."
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Yin)) "Oh... And I was just starting to enjoy myself..."
  • (Limit Break (Flash)) "How simple!"
  • (Limit Break (Yang)) "You’re not worthy to stand against me!"
  • (Limit Break (Yin)) "How’s this?!"
  • (Entering Yang Mode) "Shinobi... Transformation!"
  • (Entering Yin Mode) "I shall serve you a feast!"
  • (Entering Yin Mode) "Watch carefully!"
  • (Sigmund) "Farewell!"
  • (Sigmund) "Right down the middle!"
  • (Sigmund) "I shall come at you with all I have!"
  • (Sigmund) "Sigmund!"
  • (Sigmund) "Scatter to the wind!"
  • (Sigmund (Yin)) "Are you able to stand after this?"
  • (Sigmund (Yin)) "Au revoir. ♪"
  • (Sigmund (Yin)) "I shall split you right in half!"
  • (Sigmund (Yin)) "There won’t be a piece of you left. ♪"
  • (Niflheim) "Let us duel!"
  • (Niflheim) "I shall reduce you to ash!"
  • (Niflheim) "This is the end!"
  • (Niflheim) "Niflheim!"
  • (Niflheim) "Maximum firepower!"
  • (Niflheim (Yin)) "If you’d like to try dodging, by all means..."
  • (Niflheim (Yin)) "Please, rest in peace..."
  • (Niflheim (Yin)) "This is goodbye. ♪"
  • (Niflheim (Yin)) "Goodbye. ♪"
  • (Ragnarok) "Give in to the power of the storm!"
  • (Ragnarok) "Can you follow my steps?!"
  • (Ragnarok) "I shall come at you with everything I have!"
  • (Ragnarok) "Ragnarok!"
  • (Ragnarok) "Slash and pierce!"
  • (Ragnarok (Yin)) "This is the last dance you’ll ever see. ♪"
  • (Ragnarok (Yin)) "Now, shall we dance together?"
  • (Ragnarok (Yin)) "This is a skill born of bean sprouts!"
  • (Ragnarok (Yin)) "I’ll chop you into pieces!"
  • (Victory (Flash)) "We’re not defined by our upbringing."
  • (Victory (Yang)) "You’re no match for me!"
  • (Victory (Yin)) "Is that the extent of your skill?"
  • (Defeated) "Ugh... N-Not yet! I can still..."
  • (Defeated) "Nooo...! Th-This is so shameful..."
  • (Failing a mission) "*sigh* I don’t have... any bean sprout power left...""'

  • Peach Ball[]

    Kandagawa Jet Girls[]


