Kagura Wiki
Voiced By Kaori Mizuhashi (Japanese)
Gender Female
Birthday December, 23rd (Capricorn)
Blood Type O
Laterality Right
Guardian Squid
Weapon Bladed Oilpaper Umbrella
Personal Details
Hobby Sleep
Favorite Food Dried Squid
Family Nozomi (Late Younger Sister)

Unnammed Parents

Hair Color White
Eye Color Red
Height 158cm (5'2")
Bust 85cm (33")
Cup 65E
Bust Volume 1218.0ml
Waist 60cm (24")
Hips 83cm (33")

Yagyū (柳生) is a playable character from the Senran Kagura video game series. She makes her debut in Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls. Although a freshman, Yagyū has considerable talent for her age and school year. She exhibits a stoic, quiet demeanor, on top of her no-nonsense personality. Despite that, she is always looking out for Hibari.



Yagyū is a fair skin girl with long white hair. It is tied into twin-tails with small shuriken. In turnover, she wears a brown jacket over a long sleeved white shirt, a red plaid skirt, calf-high black socks, and brown dress shoes. She dons a black mantle with triangle shapes for trim and two extending tails. Her right eye is covered with an eye-patch.


Yagyū has a stoic and quiet demeanor, usually modest of her own ability, yet still very aware and in tune with it. She is also a very distant person, preferring to keep things to herself and relying on no one. However, she sees Hibari as a little sister figure, the two are always capable of making the other smile. She is extremely protective of Hibari, often rushing to her aid without delay and without question. Although this has saved Hibari on numerous occasions, it has also led Yagyū to underestimate her to a certain degree or even to Yagyū's own misfortune. She also has a habit of eating whole dried squid without chopsticks or her hands.


Main Article: Yagyū/Relationships


Yagyu Main Story CG (SV)

Yagyū came from an average shinobi family and had a strong relationship with her younger sister Nozomi, who suddenly, without warning, died in a traffic accident. Yagyu was deeply hurt by the event and the solitude that came with it, but she knew (and feared) that over time, the loss of her sister would would eventually fade from her memory.

As a means her never forgetting her younger sister, Yagyu dons an eyepatch crafted from her ribbon, cutting her vision and acting as a permanent reminder of her.

Yagyu Backstory (Anime) 1

Upon her arrive at Hanzo Academy, she came across Hibari, who had such a striking resemblance to Nozomi that she had almost believed she had come back to her. Hibari's cheerful nature quickly overpowered Yagyū and the two quickly became friends, with Yagyū adopting an older sister role with her, always showing concern for her and being protective of her.

Yagyu Backstory (Anime) 2

Although she will not admit it, Yagyū could never live in true solitude, and Hibari would soon became the primary reason she opens herself up to others, namely the rest of her class.


Spark! (Manga)

Senran Kagura Burst

Deep Crimson

Main Story

Portrayal Chapter

Yagyu CG (SK2)

It is the night of the raid on Hebijo Clandestine Girl Academy to get back the Super-Secret Ninja Scroll. As the Hanzo group started gathering around in the thicket next to the main gate, Asuka is happened to see that all of her comrades have arrived. Katsuragi then jokes around about Asuka leading her to the enemies boobs for groping. However, Ikaruga spoke and told Katsuragi to focus due to the situation at stake at the moment. Then, Katsuragi replied back to Ikaruga, realizing how serious, nervous, and stiff she is. She then suggested to help Ikaruga relax by smoothing out the rough spots, starting with her boobs. As Ikaruga demanded Katsuragi to stop. Hibari states how she's starting to get nervous herself. Yagyu then insists on helping Hibari out instead of Katsuragi for her own sake.

Asuka was happy to see how her own comrades are still the same as always, even though they're about the face their final battles with Homura and co.. Her smile then turned into a frown as Ikaruga asked Asuka what's wrong. Asuka explained that while it's nice to see everyone laughing and enjoying themselves, she's wonders what type of justice is she referring to whenever she says "For justice's sake, I will not abide you," before going into battle. She personally believes that it means fighting to protect everyone's happiness. Ikaruga and Hibari agreed. With that said, Asuka told everyone that it's time to go and get their Super-Secret Ninja Scroll back while showing Homura and co. what a good shinobi can do. She then wished everyone good luck and had everyone promise to come back alive. Afterwards, the team separated and went on their own to their opponents.

Naraku Chapter

Kagura Chapter

Deep Crimson Chapter


Deep Waist


Vs Yomi - Hipster (SK2)

As the girls gathered around, reiterates about the fact that the city in grave danger while Ikaruga states how kids are hiding, adults are running around naked, and how the city is going to hell at this rate. Hibari started feeling scared going outside now, but Yagyu suggested that she'll hold her hand to help make her feel more calm. Feeling angry, Katsuragi hated how HEBIJO used Explosive Bust Force for evil, causing the world to go crazy. With that said, Asuka was determined to simply take down HEBIJO regardless, which shocked everyone. She understands the situation but she feels that they have a chance at beating HEBIJO. She then started explaining how professor Hanzo crystallized EBF into a new kind of power supply, called Bustnuda-X, which grants the Hanzo group the ability to fly.

Katsuragi understood and stated how she has to prepare herself now. Asuka questioned Katsuragi while Katsuragi explains how she can't let her underclassmen fly out there on their own. As the group decided that they'll all go together, Yomi showed up and saw how cheap their melodrama was, even cheaper than bean sprouts. She then went on by saying how both rich and poor desire milk and how HEBIJO will provide them with such with their breasts. Hibari believed that that doesn't makes sense while Yagyu helped her calm down by saying how Yomi is just speaking gibberish. Yomi then stated how after their titan breasts, there will be titan sprouts, causing small breasts to be obsolete. Ikaruga denied that while Yomi told them to defeat all five of us to prove themselves right.

With that said, the Hanzo group made their move as they went after HEBIJO, starting with Yomi.

Vs Hikage - Hipster (SK2)

After defeating Yomi, Katsuragi asked the others what they think about HEBIJO's way of thinking about titan bust supremacism. Ikaruga believes that it's an unconscionable ideology while Hibari believes that just because you call something "titan" doesn't mean it's better. However Yagyu doesn't mind a titan Hibari. With that said, Asuka decided that they should all stamp out titan bust supremacism. However, Katsuragi started having a bit of doubt about it. She wondered if HEBIJO is really wrong about their ideology. Ikaruga wondered what she meant by that while Katsuragi explains how she can see the attraction of the size and texture of a titan bust. As the others questioned Katsuragi some more, she then stated that it's complicated to explain. She then started going on about how size is justice and how great it is to be big.

Suddenly, Ikaruga slapped Katsuragi to snap her out of it while explaining how all breasts have their values, so they can't be replaced. Katsuragi just remembered that as she started freaking out. Now, Katsuragi's eyes are finally wide open as she apologized for losing sight of what she believed in. She then asked one of them to grab her boobs to prove that she's okay now. Yagyu passed but Hibari started squeezing them, which then had Yagyu telling her to stop. The groping helped Katsuragi feel energized when suddenly, Hikage appeared right before them.

Hikage asked them which is a better deal, a regular dish or a super dish. Asuka answered with super dish but Katsuragi quickly told Asuka to stop what she's doing by hitting her, causing Asuka to snap out of it. She then tried telling Asuka not to fall for Hikage's trick on converting her to titan bust supremacism. Asuka realized that as she thanked Katsuragi. Hikage then told them not to overthink it and asked again. Ikaruga then asked which choice is the simple one while HIbari and Yagyu states how they're fine with the regular size.

Afterwards, Hikage sighed as she finds fighting annoying, so she told them that she'll be waiting for them in the sky. With that said, the Hanzo group began to go after Hikage.

Vs Mirai - Hipster (SK2)

After taking down Hikage, Ikaruga was in deep thought while Hibari asked her what's wrong. She states how it's nothing, but Yagyu can tell she's thinking about something, so she told her to tell them. Ikaruga then told them about how she's worried about her brother, Murasame. At first Katsuragi didn't think that they would transform him into a giant since he's a guy, but then she asked Ikaruga if she's worried about to give him a titan "private". Quickly, Ikaruga denied that as she then wondered what would happen to him if she dies in battle. Katsuragi understood while Yagyu states how Murasame resents Ikaruga in general, but in actuality, he as a serious sister complex. Ikaruga then stated how he abandoned all hope and is now running around nude as they speak.

They then figured that if Ikaruga isn't around to watch over Murasame, it would be a problem. Katsuragi then figured that the real problem is actually Ikaruga herself while explaining how even though Murasame has a sister complex, Ikaruga have a brother complex as well. Feeling shocked and embarrassed, Ikaruga denied the fact, but then she remembered a few moments where it showed. Yagyu then suggested Ikaruga to go home if she's going to be worried about Mursame throughout the battles, causing her to be a burden to the group. Katsuragi agreed when suddenly, Ikaruga burst into tears while Mirai appeared right before them while hearing about the crying and the big bra crap.

Yagyu told Mirai that she misheard the last part while Mirai stopped caring since it didn't matter anymore. She then went on how they're now in the age of the titan bust, while Yagyu replied by stating how Mirai's cup size didn't even change after becoming huge. Asuka followed up by saying how it's neither titanic nor explosive. Right before Hibari followed up by saying how flat it was, Mirai threatened to kill all of them if they continued saying such things while also saying how her cup size will grow eventually and those that disagrees will die.

Yagyu understood but she decided to retort instead. Mirai dared them to try and do so as the Hanzo group went after her.

Vs Homura - Hipster (SK2)

After defeating Mirai, Yagyu started laughing for some reason. The others asked why while Yagyu started feeling empowered by the Bustnuda-X. She then realized that she has to take care of HEBIJO first and then the world. Those who oppose her and the others would be killed. Ikaruga then began to convince Yagyu to step away from the dark side. Suddenly, Yagyu started getting a massive headache while Asuka starts thinking that maybe Yagyu is losing control of herself. Hibari then wondered what they should do to help Yagyu while Ikaruga wondered if the effect of the Bustnuda-X can happen to the rest of them as well. Suddenly, Yagyu noticed how her right eye is aching black and how her tentacles are telling her to defeat them.

Quickly, Asuka begun to sing about breasts, which helped Yagyu come back to her senses. As Yagyu apologized for what she did, Asuka told her that it was alright since the important this, she came back to them while also saying how music can work wonders to a person's heart. Suddenly, Homura appeared before them while singing about meat. She then noticed the Hanzo group and was happy to finally see them. Asuka was surprised to see how much Homura improved with her sonic attack, but Homura didn't understand what she was talking about while also saying how she was just practicing her singing. She then realized how Asuka just told her how she can't sing well, which Asuka admitted.

The blunt response angered Homura as she prepared to go and kill the Hanzo group while also serenading them. She then demanded all of them to come after her. With that said, the Hanzo group went after Homura.

Vs Haruka - Hipster (SK2)

After taking down Homura, they realized that they have one more opponent to fight, which is the mastermind herself. By defeating her, the world will be saved. Suddenly, Haruka showed up beforehand while stating how what they're going to do isn't going to happen. She then realized how angry the Hanzo group look while also realizing how she might have got carried away. Ikaruga then stated how her getting carried away is unforgivable. Haruka sarcastically started feeling scared while realizing that she can't please everyone. Feeling angry, Katsuragi told Haruka how much pain she caused on the Earth. Haruka asked why she asked that even though she was having fun, which is what they said and how that's all that matters. Despite all that's been said, Hibari doesn't believe that Haruka is a bad person. Yagyu questioned what she meant but Hibari believes there's a truth behind what she's trying to do. Katsuragi started noticing it herself.

Katsuragi then figured that what Haruka is trying to do is make a world where everyone doesn't fight over the size of their boobs. Haruka didn't say a word to that statement but Hibari states how it all makes sense if everybody becomes titan bust. However, if everyone becomes one, everyone will lose their charms. Asuka then states that since everyone is different, everyone has their own charms.

Haruka was impressed with how Hibari and the others figured out her true motive, but she still won't listen to those that oppose titan bust supremacism. She then told them defeat her by force in order to stop her. With that said, the Hanzo group went after Haruka for the final battle.

After the fight, Haruka reverted back to normal size. She stated how they were right about boobs being wonderful because they come in different shapes while also admitting that she was wrong about everything. However, Asuka disagreed while Ikaruga explained how boobs can bring peace and prevent war, so they should foster world peace through mutual appreciattion of boobs. Haruka was happy to hear that, but she states how she can't fly anymore as she starts descending to the ground.

Suddenly, Homura caught Haruka right before she shit the ground while saying how she can't have Haruka die because of how important she is to the HEBIJO group. Haruka thanked Homura for saving her while Homura told Asuka that they won't work together with them. She then explained how they'll come up with a new type of titan. Asuka asked what type, leaving Homura to think for a minute, until she decided on titan beef or titan beef stew. Asuka asked again what Homura is planning exactly, but Homura dodged the question by saying how their rivalry continues. With that said, Homura flew off with Haruka.

With the mission finally completed, the Hanzo group flew off to the Hot Springs to relax and enjoy themselves.


  • Insert Info here*

Shinovi Versus

Estival Versus


The Japanese umbrella she always carries around is also her weapon. Her Ninpo utilizes the power of squids.

Ninja Arts

Secret Ninja Arts

Aerial Secret Ninja Arts

Ultimate Secret Ninja Arts

Other Appearances


New Wave

Related Article: Yagyū/New Wave

Yagyū appears as a playable character in the mobile card collection game, Senran Kagura: New Wave, alongside the other members of Hanzo Academy.

Bon Appétit

Anime & Books

Ninja Flash!

Skirting Shadows

Guren no Uroboros

Musical Themes

Name Game Description Audio
Chaos in Bloom Portrait of Girls/Crimson Girls The opening song of the Hanzo arc portion of the game. It is sung by Asuka (Hitomi Harada), Ikaruga (Asami Imai), Katsuragi (Yu Kobayashi), Yagyu (Kaori Mizuhashi), and Hibari (Yuka Iguchi).
A Hidden Will to Fight Yagyu's theme before transforming.
Believe in Yourself Yagyu's theme after transforming. It also plays when you fight against her. 
Ribbon of Sorrow Shinovi Versus Yagyu's theme. It also plays when you fight against her.
It's Your Big Sis, Yagyū! Bon Appetit! Yagyu's character theme. It plays when going against her in a cooking battle.
Beyond the Light and Darkness Deep Crimson The Opening song of the game. It is sung by Asuka (Hitomi Harada), Ikaruga (Asami Imai), Katsuragi (Yu Kobayashi), Yagyu (Kaori Mizuhashi), and Hibari (Yuka Iguchi).
In Order for me to be Needed Yagyu's theme after transforming.
Pride of a good Shinobi The theme that plays whenever you fight one of the Hanzo shinobi.
I'll Make Sure to Protect You! Estival Versus Yagyu's theme after transforming. It also plays when you fight against her.

Creation & Development


  • In the Senran Kagura anime drama CD, it appears Yagyū has a fear (or perhaps a phobia even) of theme park rides, in particular the Roller Coaster. This also is one of the times when her composure breaks.
  • Yagyū's name means "Willow Birth".
  • Yagyū's name and appearance are likely a reference to Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi, who is often depicted in popular culture as wearing an eyepatch made from the guard of a sword.
  • In Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round, Ayane dresses up like Yagyu as a DLC costume


Main Article: Yagyū/Quotes


External links
