Kagura Wiki

Since this is going to be about a dozen pictures per character and 84 characters, I figured I should split these by factions.

I'll update these as I can. I started with Yuki since I've been working on stuff for her today anyways. I'll try and have them all done before New Wave is taken down.

To be clear, these are just the random comments they'll say or reactions when you poke them on the Interaction page of Shinobi Communication. These are not the Shinobi Cutscenes which I'll try and upload later.

Again, I can't promise my translations are 100% accurate.


Image Type Rough Translation
Sk nw reaction hyoki a01 Comment Please don't talk to me. Unless you want to be killed by Hyoki.
Sk nw reaction hyoki a02 Comment What is it?
If you don't need me, can I leave?
Sk nw reaction hyoki a03 Comment Haha...
Sk nw reaction hyoki a04 Comment Instructor, do you think you can really stop Senki Shu?
Sk nw reaction hyoki a05 Comment I'm looking forward to what kind of photos Yuki will take today.
Sk nw reaction hyoki a06 Comment I will accept photos and videos of my sister.
Sk nw reaction hyoki b01 Poked I wonder if you desire to commit suicide?
Sk nw reaction hyoki b02 Poked Do you want me to cut you?
Sk nw reaction hyoki b03 Poked I wonder if you touch my sister like that?
Sk nw reaction hyoki b04 Poked Please stop.
Sk nw reaction hyoki b05 Poked ...huh!
Don't touch the princess!
Sk nw reaction hyoki b06 Poked Are you trying to tickle me?
Sk nw reaction hyoki00 Full Screen Poke


Image Type Rough Translation
Sk nw reaction miki a01 Comment Instructor ♪ Good morning ☆
What's up?
Sk nw reaction miki a02 Comment Hmm?
What's wrong?
Do you have a request for me?
Sk nw reaction miki a03 Comment I can be fun even without Senki Shu. It is amusing, though.
Sk nw reaction miki a04 Comment Do you want to know about Miki-chan? I wonder.
Sk nw reaction miki a05 Comment I've been working hard since this morning.
Sk nw reaction miki a06 Comment Instructors are intersting~.
I want to manipulate you more and more~.
Sk nw reaction miki a07 Comment Information about Senki Shu?
Nonono ♪ You can't just ask that! ☆
Sk nw reaction miki b01 Poked What?
Do you want to be manipulated?
Sk nw reaction miki b02 Poked Is this fun?
Don't expect Miki-chan to be understanding~...
Sk nw reaction miki b03 Poked You may not touch the model without the manager's permission.
Sk nw reaction miki b04 Poked Eh, do instructors like doing that~? I'm so disillusioned~.
Sk nw reaction miki b05 Poked If you're not careful, Miki-chan will get angry.
Sk nw reaction miki b06 Poked Miki-chan didn't want to know that the Instructor had that kind of hobby...
Sk nw reaction miki00 Full Screen Poke


Image Type Rough Translation
Sk nw reaction reki a01 Comment What's with that smile? Can you not look at me like that?
Sk nw reaction reki a02 Comment You're always getting in our way...it's really annoying.
Sk nw reaction reki a03 Comment I wonder about why both Hyōki and Miki want to include this kind of person in Senki Shu...
Sk nw reaction reki a04 Comment Want to have a little chat? Are you prepared for it?
Sk nw reaction reki a05 Comment Don't talk to me. I don't plan on talking to you.
Sk nw reaction reki a06 Comment You've been monitoring me since this morning? Am I free to go?
Sk nw reaction reki a07 Comment It's amusing to see you first thing in the morning...What's with that face? Why don't you praise me?
Sk nw reaction reki b01 Poked Don't touch.
It's unpleasant.
Sk nw reaction reki b02 Poked No way, do you treat your students like that...?
Somehow I feel sorry for them...
Sk nw reaction reki b03 Poked Stay right there.
I'll destroy you in an instant.
Sk nw reaction reki b04 Poked Are you messing with me?
Sk nw reaction reki b05 Poked Hmm...I don't know. I don't want to have to kill you.
Sk nw reaction reki b06 Poked What are you really thinking while touching the enemy like that...?
Sk nw reaction reki00 Full Screen Poke


Image Type Rough Translation
Sk nw reaction maki a01 Comment ...Why...
An ordinary teacher...is here...?
Sk nw reaction maki a02 Comment ...is this...a dream?
Sk nw reaction maki a03 Comment ...Did you come to bully me!? ...I hate it! I'm scared! ...am I wrong...?
Sk nw reaction maki a04 Comment Don't bully...Don't hurt...I'm scared...HATE, HATE HATE HATE...
Sk nw reaction maki a05 Comment ...what?
Sk nw reaction maki a06 Comment ...Everyone...
I'm alone...
Sk nw reaction maki b01 Poked ...Don't touch me...!
...I don't want to be hurt...!
Sk nw reaction maki b02 Poked ...what...?
Sk nw reaction maki b03 Poked ...pleasant?...
...I don't really understand...
Sk nw reaction maki b04 Poked ...Ordinary children...always play like this...
Me too...?
Sk nw reaction maki b05 Poked ...Why...are you doing this...?
Sk nw reaction maki b06 Poked ...Is it fun...?
Sk nw reaction maki00 Full Screen Poke


Image Type Rough Translation
Sk nw reaction yuki a01 Comment ...You're still here? Don't expect nice words. Because we are enemies.
Sk nw reaction yuki a02 Comment You're always trying to get in our way...it's really annoying.
Sk nw reaction yuki a03 Comment Huh---. I wonder if I'll get to sleep soon...
Sk nw reaction yuki a04 Comment What? If you can't use it, go away!
Sk nw reaction yuki a05 Comment Ha! I'm not much of a combatant, but I'm a bit confident about my skills in espionage.
Sk nw reaction yuki a06 Comment ...Geez. Our princesses are so selfish I can barely handle it.
Sk nw reaction yuki b01 Poked Hey hey hey...I wonder if you do that to your students too...?
Sk nw reaction yuki b02 Poked Senki Shu princesses would kill you immediately...
Sk nw reaction yuki b03 Poked Oh! Where are you touching!
Sk nw reaction yuki b04 Poked I'll be patient right now...but do you think you'll be able to sleep comfortably from now on after doing that?
Sk nw reaction yuki b05 Poked You know, I am a member of Senki Shu, so where are you touching...?
Sk nw reaction yuki b06 Poked Touching the enemy like that, where do you get the nerve!?
Sk nw reaction yuki00 Full Screen Poke

I'll finish these up before moving on to the next faction.