Tap the B/Circle button to preform a short dash. Hold the B/Circle button to sprint.
Jump/Air Recovery
A/X button
Press the A/X button to jump. When you are being knocked back, press the A/X button to recover in midair.
Quick Attack
X/Square button
Press the X/Square button to preform quick, light attacks that leave little opening. Keep pressing the X/Square button to create combos.
Strong Attack
Y/Triangle button
Powerful attacks with a startup time longer than the Quick Attack. From a distance is a potentially unblockable attack. Up close is a throw or hold move.
RB/R2 button
Hold the RB/R2 button to block normal attacks. Be aware that certain foes strong attacks can break your guard.
Super Move 1
LB/L2 button + X/Square button
Hold the LB/L2 button and press the X/Square button to use one scroll and perform a very powerful attack.
Super Move 2
LB/L2 button + Y/Triangle button
Hold the LB/L2 button and press the Y/Triangle button to use two scrolls and perform a very powerful attack.
Super Move 3
LB/L2 button + Circle button
Hold the LB/L2 button and press the B/Circle button to use five scrolls and perform an extremely powerful attack.
Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold. The legend of the Soul Calibur heroes has truly taken shape. It has become a fascination for Sayuri and Kagura. And they have decided to work together to civilize the Soul Calibur characters for modern life by having them go to high school. A new dimension is created so that the girls across different schools and the Soul Calibur characters can all go to high school together.
Day 1
Ikaruga versus Mitsurugi
It all begins with Ikaruga challenging Mitsurugi to a fight due to his insolent rude samurai behavior. Ikaruga wins and Mitsurugi discovers a power he needs to reach.
Day 2
Hanabi versus Astaroth α
Hanabi is selected by the Overseers Of The Festival to challenge the most obviously problematic Soul Calibur recruit. Astaroth α loses and decides to behave himself.
Day 3
Ivy versus Ryōna
Ryōna naturally gravitates towards Soul Calibur's dominatrix martial artist. Ryōna challenges Ivy to a fight, loses, but enjoys the process.
Day 4
Taki versus Rin
Taki was in middle of a training but she was interrupted by Rin who attacked her by surprise, Taki prepares herself to fight Rin and a battle between them begins.
Day 5
Shiki versus Siegfried
Siegfried offers to cleanse Shiki's soul with the Soul Calibur. Shiki bets that after her he will turn to the dark side. While Shiki does win, neither changes.
Day 6
Sophitia versus Katsuragi
Sophitia has been talking to many of the girls about showing off your body in a sophisticated way. Sayuri says "Let the young'ins have a good time". When Sophitia tries to talk to Katsuragi about the subject she attempts to blow her off. But Sophitia gets physical and winds up wrestling with Katsuragi. Upon realizing she is not going to get away easily from Sophitia, she challenges her to a proper fight. Sophitia wins the fight, but they decide to make up with each other by wearing outfits of the other's choice. Sophitia wears Shiki's outfit C2. And Katsuragi tries on Sayuri's Finery C2.
Day 7
Asuka versus Natsu
The haughty Natsu challenges Asuka for control over Hanzo's squad. If Natsu can beat Asuka then she becomes Hanzo's new prefect and that Asuka has no business leading the others. The fight leaves Natsu with wounded pride as the status quo remains when Asuka wins. Natsu begins to learn she has a lot to learn beyond ninja agility until she has the ability to catch up with Taki.
Day 8
Talim versus Renka
Renka pulls a taiko drum prank on Talim by giving her a spanking with taiko sticks. Knock Renka out with a Creative Finisher to teach her a lesson.
Grunt characters are fought individually in single player modes. They all have their own unique move set. A move set that is too limited for a player controlled character.
Clothing destruction is based on Soul Calibur 4's system.
Super moves are Brave Edges, Critical Edges, and Critical Finishers!