The Splash Stadium is a location that appears exclusively in Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, and the place for several missions; Paradise Episodes; the menu screen and the tutorial. It has day and dusk versions.
This is also where Jet.R and Jet.K are fought in the Gessen Arc.
The Splash Stadium is a large arena on a beach near a city following an axial symmetry. It consists of two parts, the stage and the fighting grounds, both divided between red and blue sides, and both parts are surrounded by glass walls or net fences. The arena is very colorful overall, there are multiple screens with "Peach Beach Splash" in colored letters, multiple posters and advertisements for PBS-related services.
The Fighting grounds comport the raised platforms, platforms on stilts and the swallow water behind the stadium benches. Platforms are accessed by stairs and bridges, and can lead to the stadium benches part of the stage part. There are multiple banners, flagpoles with speakers and decorations as well as palm tree planters on the terrace. As well, floating platforms with balloons of various shapes fly above the fighting grounds offering positions for sharpshooters.
The stage comports the benches before the fighting grounds, and a large stage with wave and palm tree props, screens and posters. There are steel beams holding a roof, lamps and banners, 12 giant speakers and multiple smaller ones. Grated barriers surround the field between the stage and the benches connected to the field with ramps.