Kagura Wiki

Senran Kagura 7even, or SK7, is an unreleased/development hell game in the Senran Kagura series announced in August 2017[1] for the PS4. Originally planned for a Fall 2018 release, window developers indicated it may take longer in February 2018[2] In August 2018 it was announced the game was not going to be released anywhere near the planned Fall 2018 release date window[3] during a live stream that was hosted on both Nico Nico and Youtube which showed off a new model for Asuka[4]

Since the 2018 stream there have been few updates on development. The most recent game at the time Senran Kagura Burst: Re:Newal had the western version delayed to remove the intimacy mode from the PS4 version[5] and a limited physical release of Senran Kagura Bon Appétit was nearly altered[6]. The Sony PlayStation platform had implemented new content policies in the fall of 2018 after the game Omega Labyrinth Z was banned from release on the system[7] requiring the changes. The series lead Kenichiro Takaki indicated the game would need to be changed in early 2019 [8] before resigning his position to work for Cygames at the end of the fiscal year in March 2019[9].

The current developmental status of the game is unknown as of year 2024, with the most recent Senran Kagura game release being Senran Kagura: Peach Ball in late 2018 and the most recent console/pc release by Honey Parade games being Kandagawa Jet Girls in early 2020 with several Senran Kagura characters as DLC[10], shortly before the now infamous (COVID-19) pandemic went into high gears affecting the development of the said game. The mobile game Senran Kagura: New Link and related promotional events also continue to occur regularly in Japan as of December 2023. Also during the franchise 10th anniversary season around 2021/2022 period, the crossover game Neptunia × Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars was released on PS4/Switch and PC featuring several Senran Kagura characters in the said crossover game.

Announcement Trailer in Peach Beach Splash[]

After the credits play at the end of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, an animated trailer would play for 7even. This trailer teased several events for the game, but we have no idea if the story has changed since this trailer. Included in this trailer are:






Opening Movie[]



External Links[]

