Kagura Wiki

This page outlines the entire story for Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.

Note: This page does not include Shinobi Girl's Heart side-stories.

Gessen Girl's Academy[]


Yumi, Murakumo, Yozakura, Shiki, and Minori are on their way to visit Kurokage's grave when suddenly they find themselves intercepted by Hanzo. He not only mocks the girls through sexual harassment, but he even goes as far as eating the strawberry daifuku they had intended to place on Kurokage's grave. Yumi becomes highly provoked by his actions, and demands a fight with him. However, Hanzo tells her that he will only fight her if she can defeat his granddaughter -- Asuka. With that said, he disappears.

With their original objective ruined by Hanzo's sudden appearance, the group heads back to the academy. When they arrive, they are greeted by their teacher -- Master Wanpai -- who informs them of the upcoming Shinobi Battle Royale. Yumi immediately decides to use this as a means of getting the chance to fight Asuka so that she may have the opportunity to defeat Hanzo.

Chapter 1[]

Enjoy Life
Now having decided to participate in the Shinobi Battle Royale, Yumi tells both Minori and Shiki train together before taking her leave to make preparations for the Shinobi Battle Royale . While they initially try to goof off upon her leave, Yumi quickly returns and forces them to train properly while attempting to chastise them on how training diligently every day is important immediately after; though they cut her off to go do their own activities in the middle of her lecture.

Spartan Cleaning
Minori is in the middle of playing with her toys, accidentally hitting Yozakura with one of them. This leads to Yozakura giving a lecture about how MInori needs to clean up after herself. However, Minori refuses to listen which causes Yozakura to take far stricter method, going as far as beating her up to make her listen. Minori finally begins to clean up her toys, only to find her lost cow toy which ultimately leads to her playing again. Yozakura sighs and tells Minori to just go outside and play while she cleans up instead. As Minor thanks her and leaves, Yozakura swears to herself that one day she'll show her what's what.

Mask of the South

Evil Eating Good

Chapter 2[]

Maturity Contest

Devil's Eye

Masked Princess

Supreme Pleasure

Shinobi in Conflict

Chapter 3[]

Good and Evil

Only Skin Deep

Is Evil Bad?

Place to Return

The Path of Good

Chapter 4[]

Secret Bibliophile

Who Wants to Play?

Small World

Free Spirit

Light in the Dark

Chapter 5[]

True Adult

What I Really Want

To Understand

For Friends

Flirting With Evil


Hanzo National Academy[]


Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 4[]

Chapter 5[]


Hebijo Clandestine Girl's Academy[]


Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 4[]

Chapter 5[]


Homura's Crimson Squad[]


Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 4[]

Chapter 5[]


Last Battle: Asuka versus Homura[]

Asuka P.O.V.[]

Homura P.O.V.[]

Homura is on her way to face Asuka in the battle they promised to have. She recalls the time she first met Asuka. While she originally thought she was an idiot, Asuka's strength of her feeling for her friends caught her off guard. Eventually she began to understand Asuka's point about friendship and caring for others, and how important it was.

She wonders what would happen if she hadn't met Asuka and concludes that if they had never met, she would be a renegade all by herself. She questions to herself if Asuka knows how much she's changed because of her, but says she probably doesn't -- and doesn't need to either. She says the two of them are light ad shadow. They stand back to back, both together and apart.

Homura is the first to arrive with Asuka coming a bit later. Asuka apologized for keeping Homura waiting, but Homura tells her not to be and just to get ready so they can fight. As the two take their stances, Homura reaches for her special seventh blade on her back -- Engetsuka.

She explains how it can only be drawn by the strongest-hearted veterans and chooses its master. It was given to her as a parting gift from her parents and how she wasn't psychically strong enough to draw it at first, but also that her heart was clouded up from her family drama. As she draws Engetsuka, she thanks Asuka as she is the reason why she can draw the sword now. Asuka has made her stronger in every way.

Asuka agrees, saying that Homura has done the same for her as well. They end their conversation and Homura takes Engetsuka into a battle stance, starting the battle.

After Homura wins she asks Asuka what kind of training she underwent. She had been training as hard as she could every day for their fight and was planing to take Asuka out in one hit, but she put up a good fight. Asuka says she asked Kiriya to push her as hard as possible; but it doesn't mean anything when you lose. Despite being frustrated at her loss, Asuka thinks it's also fun. She is unsure on how to explain her feeling. Homura says to let her know when she can clearly explain it and that they'll listen to it over Hanzo's sushi.

Asuka happily agrees and Homura decides to get back to training. She tells Asuka to get stronger and stronger, and that she'll show her that she'll always be on step above her. Asuka calls her competitive, but Homura says Asuka is the same. The two share a laugh and then go their separate ways.

After Homura parts with Asuka, she heads home. She is satisfied with the battle win or lose, because she showed her everything she had. Which is all she ever wanted. As a renegade, her Path of the Shinobi will be long and winding, but if she can walk that path with Asuka, she thinks it won't be so bad.
