Kagura Wiki

This page lists the Shinobi Girls' Code missions available for each faction in Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.

See also: Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus/Shinobi Girl's Heart Missions

-Gessen Battle Records-[]

Chapter 1[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
1-01 Enjoy Life! We can still squeeze a little play time in, right? - Minori Minori Defeat the Boss (Shiki) Shiki None 1/10 (6/10)
1-02 Spartan Cleaning Kid or not, you slack up on cleanup duty, you get punished! - Yozakura Yozakura Defeat the Boss (Minori) Minori
None 1/10 (6/10)
1-03 Mask of the South Secret Ninja Art! Nanto Mosatsuken! You're already done. - Murakumo Murakumo Defeat the Boss (Shiki) Shiki None 1/10 (6/10)
1-04 Evil Eating Good I must destroy evil before any trace of it can spread. - Yumi Yumi Defeat the Boss (Yozakura) Yozakura
Middle Shinobi
None 1/10 (6/10)

Chapter 2[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
2-01 Maturity Contest I'm so mature, I can play shinobi now! - Minori Minori Defeat the Boss (Hibari) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-02 Devil's Eye So this girl I'm gonna fight, like, how does she accessorize? - Shiki Shiki Defeat the Boss (Yagyu) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-03 Masked Princess A child of the Houou Organization... What a headache. - Murakumo Murakumo Defeat the Boss (Ikaruga) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-04 Supreme Pleasure I'll punish those filthy-minded Hanzo shinobi! - Yozakura Yozakura Defeat the Boss (Katsuragi) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-05 Shinobi in Conflict No true good shinobi can ever accept evil! - Yumi Yumi Defeat the Boss (Asuka) None 2/10 (7/10)

Chapter 3[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
3-01 Good and Evil Evil exists, and it shouldn't exist. End of story. - Murakumo Murakumo Defeat the Boss (Ryobi) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-02 Only Skin Deep People are like, so judgmental. It's douchey. - Shiki Shiki Defeat the Boss (Imu) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-03 Is Evil Bad? Evil's evil. You can't reason with it! - Yozakura Yozakura Defeat the Boss (Ryona) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-04 Place to Return How do evil shinobi live? Does anyone know? - Minori Minori Defeat the Boss (Murasaki) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-05 The Path of Good I will advance the cause of good by destroying evil! - Yumi Yumi Defeat the Boss (Miyabi) None 3/10 (8/10)

Chapter 4[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
4-01 Secret Bibliophile I'll read anything you give me. Books, comics, magazines... - Shiki Shiki Defeat the Boss (Mirai) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-02 Who wants to Play? Anyone wanna play shinobi with me? Come on! - Minori Minori Defeat the Boss (Hikage) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-03 Small World No matter where she's from, she's evil. We must fight. - Murakumo Murakumo Defeat the Boss (Yomi) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-04 Free Spirit I'll get my family back! I have no time to waste! - Yozakura Yozakura Defeat the Boss (Haruka) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-05 Light in the Dark Good and evil can never be friends! I'll prove it! - Yumi Yumi Defeat the Boss (Homura) None 4/10 (9/10)

Chapter 5[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
5-01 True Adult I wanna be a grownup! - Minori Minori Defeat the Boss (HIbari) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-02 What I Really Want What I want is...ummm... - Shiki Shiki Defeat the Boss (Yagyu) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-03 To Understand Living freely, huh? Can't do that right now... - Yozakura Yozakura Defeat the Boss (Katsuragi) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-04 For Friends Why would good shinobi fight for evil shinobi...? - Murakumo Murakumo Defeat the Boss (Ikaruga) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-05 Flirting with Evil Good, evil, light, darkness... The battle will bring out the truth. - Yumi Yumi Defeat the Boss (Asuka) None 5/10 (10/10)

-Hanzō Battle Records-[]

Chapter 1[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
1-01 Basic Training These are new basic training dummies. Keep your gaurd up. - Kiriya Asuka Destroy all enemies! Puppets None 1/10 (6/10)
1-02 Spar with Hibari I should let Hibari know she's been snacking too much. - Yagyu Yagyu Defeat the boss! (Hibari) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-03 3rd-Year Student Test soon. Less thinking, more training! - Katsuragi Katsuragi Defeat the boss! (Ikaruga) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-04 The End of Peace It's been too quiet lately... - Ikaruga Ikaruga Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-05 Secret of Her Eyes I want the power to protect everyone too... - Hibari Hibari Defeat the boss! (Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Asuka, Yagyu) None 2/10 (7/10)

Chapter 2[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
2-01 Shinobi Resolve I must win this battle for my father and mother! - Katsuagi Katsuragi Defeat the boss! (Yozakura) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-02 Play Shinobi I'm scared... Who is my opponent...? - Hibari Hibari Defeat the boss! (Minori) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-03 Hyper Girl No matter who I face, I'll show no mercy! - Yagyu Yagyu Defeat the boss! (Shiki) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-04 Princess of Duality Why is Tairo Corporation's daughter mixed up in this? - Ikaruga Ikaruga Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-05 The Battle Begin I have to protect everyone.. I can't be defeated! - Asuka Asuka Destroy all enemies! None 2/10 (7/10)

Chapter 3[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
3-01 Target: Gessen We survived Gessen, but our number's up now, huh? - Asuka Asuka Defeat the boss! (Shiki) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-02 At Any Cost What happens to Hanzo Academy if I lose here? - Asuka Asuka Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-03 New Force Arrives Ooh, fresh meat! - Katsuragi Katsuragi Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-04 Vs. New Hebijo The new Hebijo... I wish we didn't have to hurt each other.- Asuka Asuka Defeat the boss (Miyabi, Ryobi, Ryona) None 3/10 (8/10)

Chapter 4[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
4-01 The Ultimate Secret Time for a whole new lesson. - Kiriya Ikaruga Defeat the boss! (Yomi) 5M 00S 4/10 (9/10)
4-02 Keep it Simple I can't lose this... No matter what... - Katsuragi Katsuragi Defeat the boss! (Hikage) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-03 Shinobi Upbringing So I will face... Hmph. What a surprise. - Yagyu Yagyu Defeat the boss! (Mirai) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-04 The Price of Kagan It's always because of my eyes... Why me? - Hibari Hibari Defeat the boss! (Haruka) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-05 As a Shinobi I want to fight Homura for real again! - Asuka Asuka Defeat the boss! (Homura) None 4/10 (9/10)

Chapter 5[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
5-01 Fighting for You I will face any odds to protect those dear to me! - Yagyu Yagyu Defeat the boss! (Shiki) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-02 Time for Battle I don't wanna fight... But even if I'm scared, I gotta fight! - Hibari Hibari Defeat the boss! (Minori) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-03 Mortal Combat Right, I'm not gonna kill her. I'm gonna beat her my way! - Katsuragi Katsuragi Defeat the boss! (Yozakura) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-04 Lost time I cannot be defeated. No matter who my opponent is... - Ikaruga Ikaruga Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-05 The Ideal World Grandpa, we need both good and evil, right? - Asuka Asuka Defeat the boss! (Yumi) None 6/10 (10/10)

-Hebijo Battle Records-[]

Chapter 1[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
1-01 New Hebijo's Signal Get ready to restore Hebijo Academy! Begin warmups! - Miyabi Miyabi Defeat the boss! (Imu) 1/10 (6/10)
1-02 Assemble a Team Why do we need five people? Miyabi and I are more than enough! - Imu Imu Defeat the boss! (Miyabi) 1/10 (6/10)
1-03 Power of Calamity My sister is withdrawn, so to speak. She has a lot of problems... - Imu Murasaki Defeat the boss! (Imu) 1/10 (6/10)
1-04 Der Freischütz So this is Hebijo? Is there a Miyabi here? - ??? Ryobi Defeat the boss! (Miyabi) 1/10 (6/10)
1-05 Bullet Ballerina Okay, so it's my turn! Please, please tease me, okay? - Ryona Ryona Defeat the boss! (Miyabi) 1/10 (6/10)

Chapter 2[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
2-01 Live for Revenge Let's pay back Hanzo Academy first! I'm gonna enjoy this... - Ryona Ryona Defeat the boss! (Hibari) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-02 Vengeance Master I can't stop until I accomplish my goal... - Ryobi Ryobi Defeat the boss! (Yagyu) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-03 Tousled Hair The first mission... I'm scared... I wanna go home already... - Murasaki Murasaki Defeat the boss! (Ikaruga) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-04 Price of Weakness Katsuragi... I'll make you pay for destroying Hebijo! - Imu Imu Defeat the boss! (Katsuragi) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-05 True Power Fighting students is child's play. The true enemy is... - Miyabi Miyabi Defeat the boss! (Asuka) None 2/10 (7/10)

Chapter 3[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
3-01 Gessen's Invitation Ex-classmates or not, I'll shoot holes in their heads! - Ryobi Ryobi Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-02 The Pride of Hebijo Until Miyabi's wish is granted, I can't fool around! - Imu Imu Defeat the boss! (Shiki) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-03 Reason for Treason How's Gessen these days? We haven't been in a while. - Ryona Ryona Defeat the boss! (Yozakura) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-04 With Bebeby My dear Bebeby... It's you and me again today... - Murasaki Murasaki Defeat the boss! (Minori) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-05 Black Fire, White Ice Now for the main event. No good shinobi can take me! - Miyabi Miyabi Defeat the boss! (Yumi) None 3/10 (8/10)

Chapter 4[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
4-01 Supply and Demand Finally, time to turn those renegades into Swiss cheese! - Ryobi Ryobi Defeat the boss! (Mirai) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-02 As It Is It's too late to go back... I will never, ever forgive them... - Ryona Ryona Defeat the boss! (Hikage) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-03 The Bond Do people ever really 'bond' with each other? I don't... - Murasaki Murasaki Defeat the boss! (Yomi) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-04 Wishes and Pride One more step, Miyabi. We're almost there... - Imu Imu Defeat the boss! (Haruka) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-05 The Last Word We'll regain our pride as Hebijo now! Here I come, Homura! - Miyabi Miyabi Defeat the boss! (Homura) None 4/10 (9/10)

Chapter 5[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
5-01 Wheels Coming Off You can't turn back the clock, even if the clock is wrong... - Ryona Ryona Defeat the boss! (Murasaki) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-02 Point of No Return I can't change my ways, but I can pull a trigger... - Ryobi Ryobi Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-03 No More Vengeance I've been so jealous of you, Murasaki... Please forgive me... - Imu Imu Defeat the boss! (Ryona & Ryobi) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-04 What Shinobi Need You've done so much for me, Imu. Time for me to thank you. - Miyabi Miyabi Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 5/10 (10/10)

-Crimson Battle Records-[]

Chapter 1[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
1-01 Training at Dawn Everyone seems too soft lately! It's time do some training! - Homura Homura Defeat the boss! (Mirai) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-02 Battle for the Feast Sick of wild grass? Too bad, unless you get pass me! - Yomi Yomi Defeat the boss! (Homura) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-03 Paparazzo Haruka My secret fun time is absolutely my own! - Mirai Mirai Defeat the boss! (Haruka) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-04 Inevitable Destiny Such fearsome battles lie ahead. How invigorating! - Haruka Haruka Defeat the boss! (Ryona) None 1/10 (6/10)
1-05 Unfamiliar Fate I seem to have a lot of problems I didn't even know about. - Hikage Hikage Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 1/10 (6/10)

Chapter 2[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
2-01 Rapunzel the Shinobi I can't write when people are looking at me... - Mirai Mirai Defeat the boss! (Murasaki) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-02 Wifely Shopping I'll take care of the shopping. Being a good wife is fun! - Yomi Yomi Defeat the boss! (Ryobi) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-03 S & M We'll come together like steel and magnets. S&M, if you will. - Haruka Haruka Defeat the boss! (Ryona) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-04 Oil and Water Imu seemed pretty mad. I should get her a present or something. - Hikage Hikage Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 2/10 (7/10)
2-05 Pulling the Strings We have to stop the Hebijo assassins. - Homura Homura Defeat the boss! (Miyabi) None 2/10 (7/10)

Chapter 3[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
3-01 Place of Memories The slums are my hometown... I'll protect them at any cost! - Yomi Yomi Defeat the boss! (Murakumo) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-02 Talking to the Wall Conversations are hard for me. I just can't read people. - Hikage Hikage Defeat the boss! (Yozakura) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-03 Cocky Wet Blanket I hate this modern slang. It's just a bunch of gibberish. - Mirai Mirai Defeat the boss! (Shiki) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-04 Fun for Adults I love adult games, but they are best kept to adults. - Haruka Haruka Defeat the boss! (Minori) None 3/10 (8/10)
3-05 Flame vs. Ice I'm not fighting for Asuka! Seriously, I'm not! - Homura Homura Defeat the boss! (Yumi) None 3/10 (8/10)

Chapter 4[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
4-01 Cook Angry I can't forgive those who play with their food! - Yomi Yomi Defeat the boss! (Ikaurga) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-02 Uplifting Drug Can anyone teach me how feelings are supposed to work? - Hikage Hikage Defeat the boss! (Katsuragi) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-03 Dark Reflection There's a secret about my eyepatch that no one knows. - Mirai Mirai Defeat the boss! (Yagyu) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-04 Respectul Sister It's always Big Sister Haruka to the rescue. When's it my turn? - Haruka Haruka Defeat the boss! (Hibari) None 4/10 (9/10)
4-05 A Renegade's Life This lifestyle's tougher than I thought, but I've got my pride. - Homura Homura Defeat the boss! (Asuka) None 4/10 (9/10)

Chapter 5[]

Chapter - Number Mission Name Details Initial Character Goal Enemies Time Limit Difficulty New Item Availability
5-01 Unthinkable We'll assault Hebijo Academy before they revive the yoma! - Yomi Yomi Defeat the boss! (Ryobi) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-02 Reason to Fight I've got a reason to fight. I need to wake up that dumbass. - Hikage Hikage Defeat the boss! (Imu) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-03 Anonymous Friends I can't die. Not before I've met my fan! - Mirai Mirai Defeat the boss! (Murasaki) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-04 Garden of Chaos When her desires meld with mine... Ah, such satisfaction... - Haruka Haruka Defeat the boss! (Ryona) None 5/10 (10/10)
5-05 Path of Resolve Dogen! I'll cut you down to end this chain of tragedies! - Homura Homura Defeat the boss! (Miyabi) None 5/10 (10/10)

