Throughout Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, one these one hundred tips will pop up on the loading screen. Each of these tips focus on only one mechanic, feature, and game mode.
Half of these tips appear in Single-Splash loading times, while the other half appear in Multi-Splash loading times.
Tip List[]
- Regarding Tips
- A total of 100 tips appear on these loading screens. Whoever memorizes them all will become a great PBS master.
- Switching Characters
- Skin Change
- On the "Select Shinobi" screen, press 'OPTIONS' to change certain characters' looks a bit...
- Character Profile
- Deck Edit
- On the "Select Shinobi" screen, press
to go to the Deck Edit screen and swap out or upgrade the character's cards.
- Changing Cards
- Enhancing Cards
- Upgrade Cards
- Duplicates of cards you already have become Upgrade Cards, which are used to boost the XP of your regular cards.
- Peep Peep
- A chick-shaped water gun. Each colored Peep Peep shoots a different color of water. Equip the Peep Peep of your choice on the Deck Edit Screen.
- Model View 1
- In the Deck Edit screen, press
to display the 3D models of the characters or cards. Enjoy them to the fullest!
- Model View 2
- When the 3D model of a character appears during Model view, if you have any registered favorites in the Dressing Room, you can have the character wear them.
- Model View 3
- When viewing 3D models of characters or cards in Model View, press
to change the character or card on display.
- Mission Difficulty
- There are three levels of mission difficulty: ★, ★★, and ★★★. Press
on the Mission Select screen or Preparation screen to change the difficulty.
- Story Skip
- Preparation Screen 1
- On the Preparation Screen, choose which team member to control by highlighting that character and pressing
- Preparation Screen 2
- On the Preparation Screen, you can edit your team members' decks. Highlight a character and press
to open the Deck Edit screen and swap out or upgrade their cards.
- Preparation Screen 3
- Once you clear a mission once, you can then replay it with any combination of characters. Highlight a character on the Preparation screen and press L1 to bring up the "Select Shinobi" screen.
- Lock-On
- On default settings, press and hold L2 to keep your fire focused on a single target.
- Jump
- On the default settings, press
to leap over platforms or avoid enemy attacks. If you then press and hold
again, you'll perform a Jet Jump.
- Jet Jump 1
- On default settings, hold
to fire your water jets and boost your jumping abilities. Different weapons affect this maneuver in different ways.
- Jet Jump 2
- After you perform a Jet Jump, if you perform an action in mid-air, you may be able to do one more Jet Jump...
- Jet Dash
- Use your water tanks to rush forward. On default settings, press
to begin a Jet Dash. Tap it for a short dash, or hold it for a longer one.
- Melee Combat
- Card Attack
- On default settings, press
, or
to activate your equipped cards. Check the lower left corner of the screen to see which cards you have in your hand.
- Card Gauge
- Each card has a "Cost", a set amount of time before the card fills up its gauge and becomes usable. Will you stack your deck with rapid-fire low-cost cards, or bide your time with powerful high-cost ones? The choice is yours.
- HP
- The heart gauge in the upper-left corner displays your characters health. At half health, you'll see your character knocked back, and if her clothes are tearable, you'll see the effects of that.
- K.O.
- Once a character's HP reaches 0, she will fall unconscious. In Story Mode, if you have any hearts remaining, you'll automatically expend one and get back up. In V-Road and multiplayer matches, you'll automatically respawn after a certain amount of down time.
- Game Over
- In Story Mode, your hearts will save you from three consecutive KO's. If you suffer a fourth one, it's Game Over.
- Squirmy Finish 1
- Squirmy Finish 2
- Squirmy Finishes will change depending on the target's weapon. There are 10 kinds of finishes, so be sure to check them all out.
- Squirmy Finish 3
- During a Squirmy Finish, you can target the opponent's face, chest, and butt. See what happens when you focus on each one.
- Squirmy Finish 4
- Even PBS leaves a few things to the imagination.
- Advanced Outfit Settings
- On the Dress-Up screen, press
to open the Advanced Settings. You can change the outfit's color, certain outfits can change the underwear type, and you can even toggle certain accessories on some outfits.
- Lingerie Types
- On the Dress-Up screen, press
to change the type of panties worn. There are a total of six types, so have your character wear the most fitting one.
- Advanced Accessory Settings
- On the Dress-Up screen, highlight an accessory and press
to open the Advanced Settings for accessories. You can change the accessory's color, position (in 1cm increments), and even its size.
- Kiss 1
- During Intimacy, when the affection gauge on the upper-right of the screen is full, reach out and touch her hands...
- Kiss 2
- Kiss her on the lips, and be quick about it. Relax — you'll do fine...
- Motion Sensor
- Water Splash
- During Intimacy, you can splash the girls with a water gun. The color of water depends on the Peep Peep set in the card deck. Collect a bunch and splash her with different colors.
- Grabby Hands
- During Intimacy, summon the Grabby Hands with Ⓛ + Ⓡ. Press L2 + R2 to grab aggressively, or press Ⓛ and Ⓡ to tap lightly. The girls are waiting for you to tease them.
- Diorama 1
- The Diorama has several exclusive poses, including some designed for pairs of characters. Use the Diorama to create intimate scenes between the girls.
- Diorama 2
- You can freely change the size of each character. Make them tiny, giant, or any point in between. Who cares if it's not to scale?
- Diorama 3
- You can change the direction the characters are facing. Have them glance nervously upward, or down in arrogance. See what expressions you can come up with!
- Shop 1
- Up until now, Ayame's been the only one running the shop, but since the merchandise expanded, she's been swamped. Therefore, all the other shinobi girls have volunteered to lend her a hand. Request to see your favorite girl at the shop, and see how she deals with customers.
- Shop 2
- All the girls contribute to the shop, but some have better customer service skills than others. Be patient — some of them are new at this, and they're trying their best.
- Shop 3
- If you're not sure whether or not you want to buy a certain outfit, you can preview the outfit by asking the shopkeeper to try it on. Choose the outfit from the menu, then choose the "Try" option.
- Jet Dash
- With this manuever, you can use your jets to rush around the arena. On default settings, press R2 while pressing
. Use the Jet Dash to avoid close-range enemy fire or slip around behind your target.
- Toggling Auto Aim
- The Auto Aim feature keeps the crosshair pointed at your target while you're firing. To switch the auto aim on or off, press L1.
- Firing Modes
- Each water gun has two firing modes, suited to different situations and skill levels. On default settings, press R1 to switch between them.
- Soak Gauge 1
- Every time you're hit, even by friendly fire, your Soak Gauge goes up. When it's full, you'll enter Soaking Wet mode, which gives you infinite water for a short time. That means infinite ammo AND jet fuel, so have fun and go crazy.
- Soak Gauge 2
- Different guns raise the Soak Gauge by different amounts. The Spray Gun and Shower Gun in particular raise the Soak Gauge quickly. You can also raise the Soak Gauge with card effects.
- Rescue
- On default settings, approach a KO'd ally and hold
. Pulling off a rescue will make your card gauges fill up faster for a short time.
- Auto Barrier
- When a character drops down to half HP, or is revived after being KO'd, a barrier will automatically appear to protect her for a short time.
- Skill Cards: Yumi
- Cards with Yumi illustrations are attack skill cards that fire a single homing freeze shot. Any opponent hit by this shot will be unable to move until the freeze effect wears off.
- Skill Cards: Murakumo
- Cards with Murakumo illustrations are support skill cards that lower the enemy's ability to refill their water tanks. Particularly useful against opponents whose weapons have slow reload times.
- Skill Cards: Yozakura
- Cards with Yozakura illustrations are attack skill cards that that pummel the area in front of you. Not only does this hammer all opponents in range, but it can also break their barriers (except for auto-barriers).
- Skill Cards: Shiki
- Cards with Shiki illustrations are support skill cards that lower opponents' melee damage. This can make some enemies easier to approach.
- Skill Cards: Minori
- Cards with Minori illustrations are support skill cards that heal HP. Some Minori cards only heal you, while others heal the entire team.
- Skill Cards: Asuka
- Cards with Asuka illustrations are attack skill cards that project a simple-to-use power wave. You can control the direction of the wave with Ⓛ. The rarer the card, the more waves appear.
- Skill Cards: Ikaruga
- Cards with Ikaruga illustrations are high-damaging attack skill cards that slash the air in front of you repeatedly. Can whittle down even high-HP enemies in an instant.
- Skill Cards: Katsuragi
- Cards with Katsuragi illustrations are attack skill cards that deal one large strike in front of you. Can break barriers from Pet and Skill cards in one hit.
- Skill Cards: Yagyū
- Cards with Yagyū illustrations are support skill cards that lower the consumption of water during Jet Jumps. Very handy for players who specialize in aerial fighting.
- Skill Cards: Hibari
- Cards with Hibari illustrations are attack skill cards that project a homing electric shot. Any opponent hit with this shot will become shocked and unable to move for a short time.
- Skill Cards: Ayame
- Cards with Ayame illustrations are support skill cards that make you invisible to your opponents. Some of her cards hide you from enemy radar, or from sight, or both. Great for snipers.
- Skill Cards: Miyabi
- Cards with Miyabi illustrations are attack skill cards that create a black hole. The first opponent caught in this attack will become the black hole's center, sucking in everything else around her. Great for when your team wants to dogpile on one target.
- Skill Cards: Murasaki
- Cards with Murasaki illustrations are attack skill cards that fire off an aura around you. These cards can hold off large numbers of enemies, and are good for team strategies.
- Skill Cards: Imu
- Cards with Imu illustrations are support skill cards that lower the consumption of water for Jet Dashes, giving you an advantage in mobility over your opponents.
- Skill Cards: Ryōbi
- Cards with Ryōbi illustrations are support skill cards that raise one's firepower. Combine with certain water guns for maximum effectiveness.
- Skill Cards: Ryōna
- Cards with Ryōna illustrations are support skill cards that lower the enemy's firepower. Use it to negate the enemy's high-powered weapons.
- Skill Cards: Homura
- Cards with Homura illustrations are attack skill cards that fire homing flame shots. These shots burn any enemy they hit, reducing their HP continuously for as long as the fire lasts.
- Skill Cards: Yomi
- Cards with Yomi illustrations are attack skill cards that create large, wide-ranging tornadoes. Any enemy caught in a tornado will be blown away.
- Skill Cards: Hikage
- Cards with Hikage illustrations are attack skill cards that fire homing poison shots. These shots poison any enemy they hit, reducing their HP continuously for as long as the poison lasts.
- Skill Cards: Mirai
- Cards with Mirai illustrations are attack skill cards that fire countless homing shots. The shots' trajectory depends on the specific card.
- Skill Cards: Haruka
- Cards with Haruka illustrations increase the Soak Gauge. If the entire team uses Haruka cards, they will immediately go into Soaking Wet Mode. However, these cards come at a high Cost, so be careful not to stack the deck with too many of them.
- Skill Cards: Kagura
- Cards with Kagura illustrations are support skill cards that lower the enemy's melee damage and firepower. Note: Kagura cards do not affect the power of Pet or Skill cards.
- Skill Cards: Naraku
- Cards with Naraku illustrations are support skill cards that set up a large, stationary barrier, which can protect your allies as well as yourself. Some such barriers can even reflect enemy fire.
- Skill Cards: Renka
- Cards with Renka illustrations are attack skill cards that create beams of light. Some cards fire the beams out in front of you, while others have them rain from up above.
- Skill Cards: Hanabi
- Cards with Hanabi illustrations are support skill cards that raise your melee damage. Water guns and attack skill cards are all well and good, but don't forget your melee attack when the situation calls for it.
- Skill Cards: Kafuru
- Cards with Kafuru illustrations are support skill cards that increase your reload speed. Best used in conjunction with slow-reloading weapons.
- Skill Cards: Daidōji
- Cards with Daidōji illustrations are support skill cards that raise your melee damage and firepower. Rush down and suppress your enemies.
- Skill Cards: Rin
- Cards with Rin illustrations are support skill cards that increase the speed of Jet Dashes. Create a gap in mobility and crush your opponent.
- Skill Cards: Ryōki
- Cards with Ryōki illustrations are support skill cards that create a barrier around you. You are mostly invulnerable to attacks when the barrier is up, but unlike the auto barrier, it will break after taking a certain amount of damage.
- Skill Cards: Leo
- Cards with Leo illustrations are attack skill cards that long-range lasers. The lasers can pierce through enemies and walls, so they can catch enemies off guard.
- Skill Cards: Yūyaki
- Cards with Yūyaki illustrations are attack skill cards that execute one large slash attack. The slash is almost instantaneous.
- Skill Cards: Sōji
- Cards with Sōji illustrations are support skill cards that affect water guns in various ways, from increasing your rate of fire to reducing enemies' range.
- Team Battles
- In V-Road Challenges and Multi-Splash, whichever team achieves the most KO's before the clock runs out is the winner. To gain the advantage, work together to take down the opposing team's best player.
- Queen of the Hills 1
- A variant of Multi-Splash. See which team can occupy the map's three festival platforms for the longest period of time. To conquer a festival platform, stand near it for a few seconds.
- Queen of the Hills 2
- Winning in Queen of the Hills depends on coordinating with your team on attack and defense strategies.
- Squirmy Incident Tournament 1
- A variant of Multi-Splash. See which team can perform the most Squirmy Finishes within a set period of time. After you take down an enemy, don't forget to press
while standing near her.
- Squirmy Incident Tournament 2
- If a teammate gets taken down, it is possible to rescue her before they're hit with a Squirmy Finish. Make sure to keep an eye on the upper-left part of the screen to see your teammates' status.
- Capture the Bra 1
- A variant of Multi-Splash. See which team can bring back the most bras of the opposing team's for a set period of time. If a player with a bra is taken down, the bra will be returned to its original spot.
- Capture the Bra 2
- If a player grabs the bra, that player cannot be affected by cards and his or her Soak Gauge will return to 0. Since that player is in a state of not being affected by buffs, that player's teammates will need to support and protect as much as possible until he or she returns to their own base.
- Survival 1
- A variant of Multi-Splash, with three festival platforms on the map. Defend the platforms against 50 waves of enemies. Gather Survival Points to continue fighting even if defeated early. Finish Wave 50, with enough Survival Points saved up, for huge rewards.
- Survival 2
- In Survival, if you fall in battle, you can use your accumulated Survival Points to keep on going. Be aware that reaching the finish line with a smaller number of Survival Points will mean a smaller reward.
- Survival 3
- After every five Survival waves, there will be an intermission. During this time, you can swap out or upgrade the cards in your deck to prepare for the next five waves.
- Icon & Panel Skin
- You can change your icon and panel skin, which are displayed in Multi-Splash and the Library, within the Settings. Set your favorite color and character so you can showcase them to other players.
- Stickers
- Within the lobby of Multi-Splash, or on the winner's podium, you can exchange stickers with other players. There are plenty of cute stickers to collect and trade. (Just try not to spam too much, if you can help it.)
- Taunt Motion
- During battle in Multi-Splash, or on the winner's podium, you can gain the attention of surrounding players by performing taunt motions. This has no tangible benefit in battle, but it can be a nice way to take a breath in between shootouts.
- Tits Day
- Every August 1st is Tits Day, a day to appreciate boobs. Tits are life!
- Ass Day
- Every November 30th is Ass Day, a day to appreciate butts. Ass is hometown!