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Sekirei (セキレイ) is an unplayable character in the Senran Kagura series. She makes her debut in Chapter 43 of Senran Kagura: New Link in a flashback. She was the direct ancestor of Hibari from nine centuries ago and the cousin of Toki.


Sekirei was physically identical to Hibari in just about every aspect. Her hair was styled differently from Hibari and a little shorter. She wore a traditional, yet elaborate and revealing, kimono with armor and a white cape with a scarf. She always carried a sword with her everywhere she went. Like Hibari, Sekirei wielded Kagan.


Sekirei was almost exactly like Hibari, being a very cheerful and upbeat young girl who was rarely seen without a smile. She was less innocent than Hibari, due to growing up during a time of extreme war and strife, and knew her responsibilities well. Despite this, Sekirei always managed to be optimistic and believed that the Yōma would be defeated.

Like her descendant, Sekirei often lamented having Kagan. She viewed it more as a curse rather than a blessing, hating how people either avoided her or treated her as some sort of deity. Because of this isolation, she viewed Toki as one of the very few people she could talk to, as someone who shared Kagan with her.

She displayed a slightly jealous side towards Toki. Toki was the first Evil Shinobi, as well as the youngest, to become a Kagura. Unlike Sekirei, Toki also had complete mastery over Kagan. Sekirei never quite got the hang of her own Kagan and wasn't even a Kagura yet. Despite Toki's own assurances, she couldn't help but feel smaller compared to her cousin.

Sekirei was also shown to be more hot-headed than Hibari, as she was quickly annoyed by jealous and rude remarks from others over her Kagan.


Nothing is known about Sekirei's past before she met Toki, except that she was born during the 12th Century to the Kagan Clan. At some point, she developed Kagan and became the Heiress to the main family. Mizuki became her guardian around this time.

Sekirei first met Toki in Hanadome Village along with Mizuki. Sekirei always wanted to meet her cousin and, despite knowing both her status as an evil shinobi and the unsavory rumors surrounding her, decided to meet her in person. Once she saw Toki's Kagan, she got close to her and called them 'beautiful', which weirded out Toki.

Toki discovered that Sekirei couldn't use her Kagan, nor was she even a Kagura yet. Sekirei lamented this, but she was determined to accomplish both so she could help her fellow shinobi in the war. Toki was surprised that the future head of the Kagan Clan could be so friendly with an evil shinobi like her.

Sekirei told Toki that there were rumors about Toki being powerful and terrifying like a Yoma. After seeing Toki for herself, Sekirei decided that the rumors were false. She then asked Toki if she wanted to be friends with her and Mizuki, which surprised Toki. Since so many shinobi were dying in the war, many of them young, Sekirei wanted to get along with her cousin while she could. Toki was unsure about it since they were technically rivals, but she was assured by Sekirei and Mizuki that it wouldn't be an issue.

The two would become fast friends, often training together during their free time. Toki would take the time to teach Sekirei how to properly wield her Kagan, ensuring that she'd get stronger to fight in the war. The two of them were often subjected to jealous remarks from lower ranked shinobi, which made Sekirei mad and defensive. Toki, however, took it in stride and advised Sekirei to do the same. Sekirei couldn't understand how Toki could be so calm, and strived to be more like her cousin.

At some point, Sekirei managed to become a Kagura, though she felt she only achieved the rank because of her Kagan.

With both good and evil shinobi enduring record causalities during the war, Toki successfully managed to rally the remaining shinobi forces together and form a united coalition to defeat the Yoma. Sekirei and Mizuki were both impressed and proud of Toki for managing such a feat, with Sekirei eagerly stating that she and Toki could now stand together.

Toki was tasked with being the Shinobi General, who would lead the army to fight the Yoma. Though Toki had doubts, Sekirei convinced her that she was the only one capable of leading them, and that she and Mizuki would be right behind her no matter what. This calmed Toki, who declared that anything was possible as long as she had them by her side.

After the coalition was formed, both Toki and Sekirei were encouraged by the other shinobi to rest while they prepared things for the war. This left the two of them with very little to do, so they often confided in each other on nights alone. During one of these nights, Mizuki appeared to talk to them. She gave Sekirei and Toki pressed gentian flowers for them to wear, stating that she knew Toki liked them and revealed she made one herself.

The three of them would wear the pressed flowers from then on, with Toki declaring that she was happy to have them by her side. While Sekirei was a little embarrassed by that, she hoped that she and Mizuki could be friends with Toki forever.

Sekirei, along with Mizuki, was present when a group of lesser Shinobi attempted to betray Toki and leave both her and Shura in the Shinobi Blood Barrier. Sekirei was shocked when Toki used her Kagan to kill all of the Shinobi. She pleaded with her cousin to see reason, but Toki was too far gone to listen. During this betrayal, Shura escaped.

Eventually, Sekirei and Mizuki were forced to leave Toki alone in the Blood Barrier. The two were greatly saddened by what happened. With their leader gone, the coalition fell apart and infighting was rampant. Sekirei often thought about what Toki would do, feeling lost without her cousin. She realized how much weight was on Toki's shoulders during the war, and she felt guilty for not noticing sooner.

Sometime afterwards, Sekirei instructed Mizuki to protect Toki's family and Hanadome Village using a seal that would make them invisible to the outside world. Mizuki took the orders to heart, and trusted her to defeat the Yoma and Shura. This was the last time Sekirei and Mizuki saw each other.

Sekirei would eventually find Goshin Village, following rumors about the existence of a girl named Kagura. Teaming up with her, Sekirei and Kagura ultimately defeated the Yoma and greatly crippled Shura. Though Sekirei wanted to free Toki after the war, Kagura made this impossible by sealing Shura in the same Blood Barrier.

With the war finally over and peace restored, Sekirei ultimately lied to the Kagan Clan about Toki's fate. She falsified records of Toki and erased Mizuki's existence, solely for the purpose of protecting her cousin. Though she hated doing it, it was ultimately necessary due to the world they lived in.


Senran Kagura: New Link[]

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


  • Sekirei's name means 'Wagtail'
  • Sekirei is currently the fifth known Kagan Wielder in the series, and the third to have a physical appearance.
  • Like Toki and Hibari, Sekirei's name is bird-related.
  • Sekirei and Hibari share the same Voice actress