This pages contains Ryōbi's quotes from the games she's appeared in.
- (When entering the Ninja Room) "Which one looks good?"
- (When making a selection) "Is this OK?"
- (When cancelling a selection) "Hell, no."
- (Record) "You never know when shit’s gonna happen."
- (When saving a record) "I’ll overwrite your record."
- (When loading a record) "I’ll load your record."
- (Library) "What do you want to see?"
- (Photos) "Everybody’s photos are here."
- (Music) "You can listen to music."
- (Voices) "You want to hear my voice?"
- (Videos) "You want to see a video?"
- (Top-Secret Files) "What do you want to know?"
- (Settings) "You can adjust the sound and camera."
- (When adjusting voice volume) "It’s Ryōbi. Can you hear me?"
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Can you dodge a sniper?"
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Run all you want! It won’t matter!"
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Once I see them, they’re dead."
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "I’ll shoot them right where it hurts."
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "What are we shooting today?"
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "I’ll blow their brains out."
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "One clean shot, and I’ll put ‘em in the ground."
- (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Leave the shooting to me."
- (When selecting Training Grounds with Ryōbi) "Oh, are you up for a little “private lesson”?"
- (When ranked A) "A perfect grade. ♪"
- (When ranked B) "Not bad at all."
- (When ranked C) "Oh, I can do better than that."
- (When ranked D) "A girl can have her off days."
- (When the mission was failed) "This has to be a mistake!"
- (When selecting Retry after failing a mission) "I won't let it end here!"
- (When selecting Return to Ninja Room after failing a mission) "I'll let you go, just for today."
- (When exiting pause mode during a mission) "Break time's over."
- (When aborting a mission) "This is a tactical retreat."
- (When leveling up) "This is the ultimate high!"
- (When leveling up) "I've gotten stronger again!"
- (When leveling up) "Could anyone stand up to me?"
- (When leveling up) "Mmm, I'm feeling great. ♪"
- (When skipping a story scene) ""
- (When advancing with Yang/Yin Mastery) "I just thought of a sick new move! ♪"
(When entering dressing room) ""
(When entering dressing room) ""
(When entering dressing room) ""
(When changing outfit) "Oh, so you’ve got a seductive streak."
(When changing outfit) "Oh, that’s pretty nice!"
(When changing outfit) "You’ve got a nice sense of style!"
(When changing outfit) "So? Does it look good on me?"
(When changing outfit) "You like cute things too, don’t you?"
(When changing into Hebijo Uniform (Micro-mini)) "That’s Hebijo’s uniform."
(When changing into Ryōbi's Outfit) "This is my favorite. ♪"
(When changing underwear) ""
(When changing underwear) ""
(When changing underwear) ""
(When changing underwear) ""
(When adjusting an accessory) "Where are you planning to put that?"
(When slapped somewhere) "Do you WANT me to hurt you?"
(When slapped somewhere) "I’ll splatter that brain of yours!"
(When slapped somewhere) "I want to chop those fingers off."
(When slapped somewhere) "You want to be yelled at?"
(When slapped somewhere) "Why are you getting all excited?!"
(When looking under her skirt) "Aren’t you even embarrassed?!"
(When looking under her skirt) "What are you so happy about?!"
(Stage start) "I dance for the honor of evil!""
(Idle (Flash)) "So, who’s my next bitch?"
(Idle (Yang)) "So boring... Any other bitches around?"
(Idle (Yin)) "Hey, don’t keep me waiting!"
(Taunt) "What’s with that chest of yours? Are you making fun of me?"
(Taunt) "Would you rather be shot through the head or blown to pieces?"
(Taunt) "You don’t want to stand behind me."
(Taunt) "I’ll fill you with lead."
(Taunt) "I won’t show you any mercy."
(Taunt) "I have no trouble hitting moving targets."
(Taunt) "Don't you know guns beat swords?"
(100-hit combo) "100-hit combo!"
(200-hit combo) "200-hit combo!"
(300-hit combo) "300-hit combo!"
(400-hit combo) "400-hit combo!"
(500-hit combo) "500-hit combo! Let's keep it going!"
(600-hit combo) "600-hit combo!"
(700-hit combo) "700-hit combo!"
(800-hit combo) "800-hit combo!"
(900-hit combo) "900-hit combo!"
(1000-hit combo) "1000-hit combo! The constant beatings... feel too good!"
(Knockdown recovery (Flash)) "I’m pissed!"
(Knockdown recovery (Yang)) "Just lie down and die!"
(Knockdown recovery (Yin)) "How dare you put me in this situation?!"
(Wakeup) "Hey, watch it!"
(Air wakeup (Flash)) "Not yet!"
(Air wakeup (Yang)) "Too damn easy!"
(Air wakeup (Yin)) "I can’t lose here!"
(Wakeup attack) "What the hell?!"
(Stunned (Flash)) "Ugh, I got hit..."
(Stunned (Yang)) "I’ll remember... that ugly face of yours..."
(Stunned (Yin)) "How dare you do this to me...?"
(Attacking) ""You little bitch!""
(Aerial Rave (Flash)) "I'll take you down!"
(Aerial Rave (Yang)) "Just take it like a bitch!"
(Aerial Rave (Yin)) "There!"
(Ninja Art Gauge filled (Flash)) "I'll end it right here!"
(Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yang)) "I'm really feeling it now!"
(Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yin)) "I’ll make sure to take care of you REEEAL good!"
(Entering Burst Mode (Flash)) "Alone or together, you don’t stand a chance!"
(Entering Burst Mode (Yang)) "Aw, come on! I have more fun at the shooting range!"
(Entering Burst Mode (Yin)) "This isn't good enough for me."
(Exiting Burst Mode (Flash)) "What a bunch of shitty little bitches!"
(Exiting Burst Mode (Yang)) "Damn it! I smoked them too fast!"
(Exiting Burst Mode (Yin)) "Should I have teased them WITHOUT shooting them?"
(Limit Break (Flash)) "Don't touch me!"
(Limit Break (Yang)) "Back off!"
(Limit Break (Yin)) "You piece of shit!"
(Entering Yang Mode) "Shinobi Transformation!"
(Entering Yin Mode) "Don't underestimate me!"
(Entering Yin Mode) "I'll give you a special peek!"
(8 Minuet) "Eyes front, asshole!"
(8 Minuet) "I wanna hear a good scream out of you!"
(8 Minuet) "Don’t just stand there slack-jawed!"
(8 Minuet) "8 Minuet!"
(8 Minuet) 'Get out of my face!"
(8 Minuet (Yin)) "You really want me to make you scream, don’t you?"
(8 Minuet (Yin)) "Cry all you want, I’m still going to hurt you."
(8 Minuet (Yin)) "Did you really think you could get away?"
(8 Minuet (Yin)) "Out of my sight!"
(Ricochet Prelude) "Hurry up and die!"
(Ricochet Prelude) "Just try to avoid this!"
(Ricochet Prelude) "C’mon, hurry up and try to escape!"
(Ricochet Prelude) "Ricochet Prelude!"
(Ricochet Prelude) "This is the end!"
(Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "You know regrets won’t save you now, right?"
(Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "I just thought of a great way to kill some time."
(Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "You’re not getting out of this one."
(Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "DIIIEEE!!"
(Minuet Missile) "Time for some punishment!"
(Minuet Missile) "I’ll destroy everything you are!"
(Minuet Missile) "Ill crush you with everything I’ve got!"
(Minuet Missile) "Minuet Missile!"
(Minuet Missile) "There won’t be enough of you left to find!"
(Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Here’s your reward, bitch!"
(Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Take the whole damn thing!"
(Minuet Missile (Yin)) "This is the last thing you’ll ever see!"
(Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Minuet... Missile!"
(Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Fuck you!"
(Dress Break Lv. 1) ""What the fuck?!""
(Dress Break Lv. 1) "I said cut it out!"
(Dress Break Lv. 1) "What the fuck are you doing?!"
(Dress Break Lv. 1) "What are you doing?!"
(Dress Break Lv. 1) "You're kidding!"
(Dress Break Lv. 2) "Don't fuck with me!"
(Dress Break Lv. 2) "How dare you insult me like this?!"
(Victory (Flash)) "Training would be wasted on you at this point!"
(Victory (Yang)) "That felt REALLY good!"
(Victory (Yin)) "That’s what happens when you shoot your mouth off."
(Defeated) "I-I can't believe this..."
(Defeated (Yin)) "...Sis... it's getting dark..."
(Mission failed) "This pisses me off so much!"