Kagura Wiki

This pages contains Ryōbi's quotes from the games she's appeared in.

Shinovi Versus[]

Bon Appétit![]

Estival Versus[]

Peach Beach Splash[]

Burst Re:Newal[]

  • (When entering the Ninja Room) "Which one looks good?"
  • (When making a selection) "Is this OK?"
  • (When cancelling a selection) "Hell, no."
  • (Record) "You never know when shit’s gonna happen."
  • (When saving a record) "I’ll overwrite your record."
  • (When loading a record) "I’ll load your record."
  • (Library) "What do you want to see?"
  • (Photos) "Everybody’s photos are here."
  • (Music) "You can listen to music."
  • (Voices) "You want to hear my voice?"
  • (Videos) "You want to see a video?"
  • (Top-Secret Files) "What do you want to know?"
  • (Settings) "You can adjust the sound and camera."
  • (When adjusting voice volume) "It’s Ryōbi. Can you hear me?"
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Can you dodge a sniper?"
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Run all you want! It won’t matter!"
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Once I see them, they’re dead."
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "I’ll shoot them right where it hurts."
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "What are we shooting today?"
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "I’ll blow their brains out."
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "One clean shot, and I’ll put ‘em in the ground."
  • (When selecting a mission with Ryōbi) "Leave the shooting to me."
  • (When selecting Training Grounds with Ryōbi) "Oh, are you up for a little “private lesson”?"
  • (When ranked A) "A perfect grade. ♪"
  • (When ranked B) "Not bad at all."
  • (When ranked C) "Oh, I can do better than that."
  • (When ranked D) "A girl can have her off days."
  • (When the mission was failed) "This has to be a mistake!"
  • (When selecting Retry after failing a mission) "I won't let it end here!"
  • (When selecting Return to Ninja Room after failing a mission) "I'll let you go, just for today."
  • (When exiting pause mode during a mission)  "Break time's over."
  • (When aborting a mission) "This is a tactical retreat."
  • (When leveling up) "This is the ultimate high!"
  • (When leveling up) "I've gotten stronger again!"
  • (When leveling up) "Could anyone stand up to me?"
  • (When leveling up) "Mmm, I'm feeling great. ♪"
  • (When skipping a story scene) ""
  • (When advancing with Yang/Yin Mastery) "I just thought of a sick new move! ♪"

  • (When entering dressing room) ""
  • (When entering dressing room) ""
  • (When entering dressing room) ""
  • (When changing outfit) "Oh, so you’ve got a seductive streak."
  • (When changing outfit) "Oh, that’s pretty nice!"
  • (When changing outfit) "You’ve got a nice sense of style!"
  • (When changing outfit) "So? Does it look good on me?"
  • (When changing outfit) "You like cute things too, don’t you?"
  • (When changing into Hebijo Uniform (Micro-mini)) "That’s Hebijo’s uniform."
  • (When changing into Ryōbi's Outfit) "This is my favorite. ♪"
  • (When changing underwear) ""
  • (When changing underwear) ""
  • (When changing underwear) ""
  • (When changing underwear) ""
  • (When adjusting an accessory) "Where are you planning to put that?"
  • (When slapped somewhere) "Do you WANT me to hurt you?"
  • (When slapped somewhere) "I’ll splatter that brain of yours!"
  • (When slapped somewhere) "I want to chop those fingers off."
  • (When slapped somewhere) "You want to be yelled at?"
  • (When slapped somewhere) "Why are you getting all excited?!"
  • (When looking under her skirt) "Aren’t you even embarrassed?!"
  • (When looking under her skirt) "What are you so happy about?!"

  • (Stage start) "I dance for the honor of evil!""
  • (Idle (Flash)) "So, who’s my next bitch?"
  • (Idle (Yang)) "So boring... Any other bitches around?"
  • (Idle (Yin)) "Hey, don’t keep me waiting!"
  • (Taunt) "What’s with that chest of yours? Are you making fun of me?"
  • (Taunt) "Would you rather be shot through the head or blown to pieces?"
  • (Taunt) "You don’t want to stand behind me."
  • (Taunt) "I’ll fill you with lead."
  • (Taunt) "I won’t show you any mercy."
  • (Taunt) "I have no trouble hitting moving targets."
  • (Taunt) "Don't you know guns beat swords?"
  • (100-hit combo) "100-hit combo!"
  • (200-hit combo) "200-hit combo!"
  • (300-hit combo) "300-hit combo!"
  • (400-hit combo) "400-hit combo!"
  • (500-hit combo) "500-hit combo! Let's keep it going!"
  • (600-hit combo) "600-hit combo!"
  • (700-hit combo) "700-hit combo!"
  • (800-hit combo) "800-hit combo!"
  • (900-hit combo) "900-hit combo!"
  • (1000-hit combo) "1000-hit combo! The constant beatings... feel too good!"
  • (Knockdown recovery (Flash)) "I’m pissed!"
  • (Knockdown recovery (Yang)) "Just lie down and die!"
  • (Knockdown recovery (Yin)) "How dare you put me in this situation?!"
  • (Wakeup) "Hey, watch it!"
  • (Air wakeup (Flash)) "Not yet!"
  • (Air wakeup (Yang)) "Too damn easy!"
  • (Air wakeup (Yin)) "I can’t lose here!"
  • (Wakeup attack) "What the hell?!"
  • (Stunned (Flash)) "Ugh, I got hit..."
  • (Stunned (Yang)) "I’ll remember... that ugly face of yours..."
  • (Stunned (Yin)) "How dare you do this to me...?"
  • (Attacking) ""You little bitch!""
  • (Aerial Rave (Flash)) "I'll take you down!"
  • (Aerial Rave (Yang)) "Just take it like a bitch!"
  • (Aerial Rave (Yin)) "There!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Flash)) "I'll end it right here!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yang)) "I'm really feeling it now!"
  • (Ninja Art Gauge filled (Yin)) "I’ll make sure to take care of you REEEAL good!"
  • (Entering Burst Mode (Flash)) "Alone or together, you don’t stand a chance!"
  • (Entering Burst Mode (Yang)) "Aw, come on! I have more fun at the shooting range!"
  • (Entering Burst Mode (Yin)) "This isn't good enough for me."
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Flash)) "What a bunch of shitty little bitches!"
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Yang)) "Damn it! I smoked them too fast!"
  • (Exiting Burst Mode (Yin)) "Should I have teased them WITHOUT shooting them?"
  • (Limit Break (Flash)) "Don't touch me!"
  • (Limit Break (Yang)) "Back off!"
  • (Limit Break (Yin)) "You piece of shit!"
  • (Entering Yang Mode) "Shinobi Transformation!"
  • (Entering Yin Mode) "Don't underestimate me!"
  • (Entering Yin Mode) "I'll give you a special peek!"
  • (8 Minuet) "Eyes front, asshole!"
  • (8 Minuet) "I wanna hear a good scream out of you!"
  • (8 Minuet) "Don’t just stand there slack-jawed!"
  • (8 Minuet) "8 Minuet!"
  • (8 Minuet) 'Get out of my face!"
  • (8 Minuet (Yin)) "You really want me to make you scream, don’t you?"
  • (8 Minuet (Yin)) "Cry all you want, I’m still going to hurt you."
  • (8 Minuet (Yin)) "Did you really think you could get away?"
  • (8 Minuet (Yin)) "Out of my sight!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude) "Hurry up and die!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude) "Just try to avoid this!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude) "C’mon, hurry up and try to escape!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude) "Ricochet Prelude!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude) "This is the end!"
  • (Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "You know regrets won’t save you now, right?"
  • (Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "I just thought of a great way to kill some time."
  • (Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "You’re not getting out of this one."
  • (Ricochet Prelude (Yin)) "DIIIEEE!!"
  • (Minuet Missile) "Time for some punishment!"
  • (Minuet Missile) "I’ll destroy everything you are!"
  • (Minuet Missile) "Ill crush you with everything I’ve got!"
  • (Minuet Missile) "Minuet Missile!"
  • (Minuet Missile) "There won’t be enough of you left to find!"
  • (Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Here’s your reward, bitch!"
  • (Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Take the whole damn thing!"
  • (Minuet Missile (Yin)) "This is the last thing you’ll ever see!"
  • (Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Minuet... Missile!"
  • (Minuet Missile (Yin)) "Fuck you!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 1) ""What the fuck?!""
  • (Dress Break Lv. 1) "I said cut it out!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 1) "What the fuck are you doing?!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 1) "What are you doing?!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 1) "You're kidding!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 2) "Don't fuck with me!"
  • (Dress Break Lv. 2) "How dare you insult me like this?!"
  • (Victory (Flash)) "Training would be wasted on you at this point!"
  • (Victory (Yang)) "That felt REALLY good!"
  • (Victory (Yin)) "That’s what happens when you shoot your mouth off."
  • (Defeated) "I-I can't believe this..."
  • (Defeated (Yin)) "...Sis... it's getting dark..."
  • (Mission failed) "This pisses me off so much!"

  • Kandagawa Jet Girls[]

