This page contains Murasaki's quotes throughout the games she's appeared in.
Shinovi Versus[]
- To Ikaruga - Hebijo Arc "It's so hard to live like trash, knowing someone like you is out there... It just makes me feel even more worthless... and humiliated..."
Menu, Screen, Idle, and Ninja Room quotes.
- (When player is idle): "I'll Protect Bebeby..."
- (When player is idle): "Um...Are you awake?"
- (When player is idle): "Bebeby needs me, ok?"
- (When player is idle): "Good night...Bebeby...?"
- (When player is idle): "What should we eat tomorrow, Bebeby?"
- (When entering the Library): "There's...a lot of pictures and movies..."
- (When switching to Pictures in the Library): "These are everybody's pictures"
- (When switching to Videos in the Library): "I...wonder if I'm in this..."
- (When switching to Music in the Library): "I like the music"
- (When switching to Voice in the Library): "My voice...may be hard to hear"
- (When switching to Score in the Library): "Here's...our battle records"
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When rank 1): "I got number one..."
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When not rank 1): "???"
- (When selecting Shinobi Girls' Code): "Let's enjoy the story of Hanzo Academy."
- (When selecting Shinobi Girl's Heart): "...It seems this is my story..."
- (When selecting Training Field): "I'm going to train with Bebeby."
- (After selecting a mission): "...I'm going...
- (After selecting a mission): "...I'm scared of going outside...
- (After selecting a mission): "I want to come back here soon..."
- (After selecting a mission): "Will... Will it be all right...?"
- (After selecting a mission): "I-I should be okay."
- (After selecting a mission): "I... hope it won't take too long..."
- (After selecting a mission): "Let's do our best Bebeby..."
- (When selecting Character Select): "I switch"
- (When selecting Character Select): "Someone...please switch with me..."
- (When switching to Murasaki on Character Select): "What should I do...?"
- (When switching to Murasaki on Character Select): "Ah...yes..."
- (When switching to Imu while Murasaki on Character Select): "Sis."
- (When viewing Asuka's Progress screen): "Let's check on what I can do..."
- (When viewing Asuka's Tech List screen): "Let's check on my moves..."
- (When entering the Ninja Room start menu): "Which one should it be...?"
- (When entering the Records menu): "Lets...make sure to record everything..."
- (When entering the Shinobi Dojo): "If I'm with Bebeby...I'm not scared of anything..."
- (When entering the School Select menu): "???"
- (When entering the Settings menu): "Do you want to change your settings..."
- (When adjusting voice levels in the Settings menu): "I'm...Murasaki..."
- (When selecting an option from the Ninja Room start screen): "This is good..."
- (When exiting out of Ninja Room start screen/aborting Free Training): "I...don't like this"
- (When exiting the pause menu during a mission): "Break's...over..."
- (When aborting a mission): "No, I don't want to anymore..."
Flash Mode
- (Idle): "This is a waste of time..."
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "I did it!"
- (Limit Break): "Stay AWAY!"
- (Taunt): "Um...could you lose for me"
- (Taunt): "If I beat you,can I go home?"
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "I'll try hard."
- (Launch attack): "Stay away...!"
- (Launch attack): "Help me...!"
- (Launch attack): "Please,stop!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "Please wait!"
- (Dazed): "My head...hurts..."
- (Victory): "Yes! I can finally go home!"
Yang Mode
- (Entering Yang mode): "...Shinobi...Transformation!"
- (Idle): "Let's go straight home..."
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "Please don't hate me..."
- (Limit Break): "STOOOP!!"
- (Taunt): "Please...go easy on me..."
- (Taunt): "I don't really want to fight..."
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "I feel better!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "No! Ungh... What do you want?!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "No...!...STOOOOOOP!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Nngh...UuuhhhAAAHHH! JUST LET ME DIE!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Wa......aaaAAA! STOOOP ALREADY!"
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "What should I do...?"
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "I want to go home..."
- (Launch attack): "I don't want this!"
- (Launch attack): "You!"
- (Launch attack): "I'll try my best"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "I'm sorry!"
- (Dazed): "..I'm dizzy...."
- (Victory): "Bebeby, lets go home.
Yin Mode
- (Idle): "No more scary memories..."
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "I did it..."
- (Limit Break): "Help MEEE!"
- (Taunt): "I just want to go home!"
- (Taunt): "Please...go easy on me."
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "AI'll try a little harder now."
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "Wha--! Nnnngh... NOOO!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 1): "*Screams*"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Eh... ...uuuAAAH! NO MOOORE!"
- (Secret Ninja Art 2): "Ha... ...aaaAAAH! JUST LET ME DIIE!"
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "No more..."
- (Ultimate Secret Ninja Art): "Help..."
- (Launch attack): "Wha..."
- (Launch attack): "Please let me go home!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "Please forgive me!"
- (Dazed): ""
- (Victory): "Can... Can I go home now?!"
Bon Appétit![]
Estival Versus[]
Peach Beach Splash[]
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Who's next?"
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "I'm sorry..."
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "This worked out."
- (Achieving a Streak) "3-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "5-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "10-shinobi streak!"
- (Taking Splash Damage) "No...!"
- (Taking Big Damage) "NO!"
- (Taking Big Damage) "Stop..."
- (Being Down) "That hurts..."
- (Recovering) "Not yet...!"
- (Stripped) "Please stop...!"
- (Stripped) "That's cruel...!"
- (Beaten) "It... It hurts..."
- (Beaten) ""
- (Soaked) "No...more..."
- (Soaked) "That's...too much..."
- (Starting Mission) "Let's...splash!"
- (Starting Mission) "Um... Here I go...!"
- (Starting Mission) "I just want to get this over with and go home."
- (Starting Mission) "Now...let's have a fair fight!"
- (Starting Mission) "I, Murasaki, will dance for the honor of evil..."
- (Starting Mission) "Murasaki... Ready to go..."
- (Completing Mission) "Good work, Bebeby..."
- (Completing Mission) "Finally...I can go home..."
- (Completing Mission) "I won..."
- (Failing Mission) "No...way..."
- (Failing Mission) "Just...a bit more..."
- (Failing Mission) "S-Sis..."
- (Powering Up) "This feels funny..."
- (Powering Up) "I want to do this now."
- (Powering Up) "Well, here goes..."
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "I'm going to do it...!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "*giggles*"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "I'm going on the attack...!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Is this OK...?"
- (Charging Card) "I have to get stronger...!"
- (Receiving Buff) "Yes!"
- (Receiving Buff) "This feels great...!"
- (Receiving Buff) "Here it is..."
- (Receiving Debuff) "This is hard..."
- (Summoning Pet) "Please...!"
- (Summoning Pet) "Help...!"
- (Summoning Pet) "Come to me..."
- (Being Idle) *Sneezes*
- (Being Idle) "These wet swimsuits really max out the excitement around here."
- (Being Idle) "Wait for me... Bebeby..."
- (Being Idle) "You don't mind if you get wet, do you, Bebeby...?"
- (Being Idle) "My hair's...going to get all wet and tangled..."
- (Enemy Appears) "Stay away...!"
- (KO'ing an Enemy) "I got them..."
- (Taunting) "Would you just let me go home already?"
- (Taunting) "Oh, what's the point of this?"
- (Taunting) "Is this mission just super-easy, or what?"
- (Taunting) "Bebeby...looks bored..."
- (Taunting) "You smell like...a weakling."
- (Communication 1) "Yeah..."
- (Communication 2) "Goodbye..."
- (Communication 3) "I did it...!"
- (Communication 4) "Don't cry...Bebeby..."
- (Communication 5) "I'm getting angry..."
- (Communication 6) "We'll do the best we can."
- (Communication 7) ""You touch Murasaki, and I'll kick your ass!""
- (Communication 8) "*giggles*"
- (Communication 9) ""Hey, Murasaki! Let's beat the sh*t outta them!""
- (Communication 10) "Ahem..."
-Game Start-Up-
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA!"
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA: Peach Beach Splash"
- (Starting a New Game) "We're going to start now..."
- (Continuing the Game) "Time to get back to it..."
- (Continuing the Game) "Nice to meet you..."
- (Continuing the Game) "I don't really want to do this anymore..."
- (Selecting Single Player) "Single Splash!"
- (Selecting Multiplayer) "Multi-Splash!"
- (Selecting Training) "Training!"
- (Selecting Story Mode) "Story Mode!"
- (Selecting V-Road Challenge) "V-Road Challenge!"
- (Selecting Tutorial) "Tutorial!"
- (Selecting Practice) "Practice!"
- (Selecting Mission) ""
- (Starting Mission as Murasaki) ""
- (Resuming Mission) ""
- (Aborting Mission) ""
- (Retrying Mission) ""
- (Retiring from Mission) ""
- (Receiving an A Rank) ""
- (Receiving a B Rank) ""
- (Receiving a C Rank) ""
- (Receiving a D Rank) ""
- (Skipping Cutscene) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Selecting Library) ""
- (Selecting Battle Records) ""
- (Selecting Movies) ""
- (Selecting Illustrations) ""
- (Selecting Soundtracks) ""
- (Selecting Voices) ""
- (Selecting Card Book) ""
- (Selecting Settings) ""
- (Adjusting Voice Volume) ""
- (Confirming Selection) ""
- (Rejecting Selection) ""
- (Selecting An Option) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
-Dressing Room-
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Selecting Favorite Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Remaining Idle) '
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Selecting Purchase) ""
- (Confirming Purchase) ""
- (Insufficient Funds) ""
- (Out of Stock) ""
Burst Re:Newal[]
- (When entering dressing room)
- (When entering dressing room)
- (When entering dressing room)
- (When changing outfit/hairstyle/accessory)
- (When changing outfit/hairstyle/accessory)
- (When changing outfit/hairstyle/accessory)
- (When changing outfit/hairstyle/accessory)
- (When changing outfit/hairstyle/accessory)
- (When changing underwear)
- (When changing underwear)
- (When changing underwear)
- (When changing underwear)
- (When slapped somewhere)
- (When slapped somewhere)
- (When slapped somewhere)
- (When slapped somewhere)
Peach Ball[]
Kandagawa Jet Girls[]