Kagura Wiki
Murakumo PBS

This page covers Murakumo's Skill Cards in Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash.


Murakumo's Skill Cards specialize in decreasing enemies' reload speed for a duration.

"Cards with Murakumo illustrations are support skill cards that lower the enemy's ability to refill their water tanks. Particularly useful against opponents whose weapons have slow reload times." -Murakumo Skill Cards' Tip from Peach Beach Splash

Some of Murakumo's Skill Cards have little Effect Amount but a long Duration, while others have huge Effect Amount but a short Duration.

Card List[]


Portrait Name Cost Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 1 - Shinobi Student Murakumo: Shinobi Student 1 10 to 19 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 2 - Before the Mission Murakumo: Before the Mission 1 10 to 19 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.


Portrait Name Cost Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 3 - Frantic Murakumo: Frantic 1 15 to 24 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 4 - True Face of a Shinobi Murakumo: True Face of a Shinobi 1 15 to 24 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 5 - Best Choice Murakumo: Best Choice 3 8 to 17 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 6 - Waitress Murakumo: Waitress 3 8 to 17 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.


Portrait Name Cost Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 7 - Overpowering Murakumo: Overpowering 1 20 to 29 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 8 - Clumsy Murakumo: Clumsy 1 20 to 29 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 9 - Serious Confrontation Murakumo: Serious Confrontation 1 20 to 29 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 10 - Steam Murakumo: Steam 1 20 to 29 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 11 - Thanks for the Meal Murakumo: Thanks for the Meal 3 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 12 - In Exchange for This Life Murakumo: In Exchange for This Life 3 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 13 - Rest Up Murakumo: Rest Up 3 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 14 - Divine Girl Murakumo: Divine Girl 3 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.


Portrait Name Cost Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 15 - After a Bath Murakumo: After a Bath 1 25 to 34 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 16 - Spirit That Cannot Be Hidden Murakumo: Spirit That Cannot Be Hidden 1 25 to 34 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 17 - Bunny Ears Murakumo: Bunny Ears 1 25 to 34 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 18 - Wide Open Murakumo: Wide Open 1 25 to 34 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 19 - Picnic Murakumo: Picnic 3 12 to 21 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 20 - Favorite Murakumo: Favorite 3 12 to 21 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 21 - Vacation Murakumo: Vacation 3 12 to 21 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 22 - Unraveling Bandages Murakumo: Unraveling Bandages 3 12 to 21 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.


Portrait Name Cost Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 23 - Southern Resort Murakumo: Southern Resort 1 30 to 39 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 24 - Sunset Priestess Murakumo: Sunset Priestess 2 30 to 39 sec Enemies -30% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 25 - Wet Pirate Murakumo: Wet Pirate 3 14 to 23 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 26 - Explosive Shinobi Murakumo: Explosive Shinobi 3 14 to 23 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.


Portrait Name Rarity Cost Max Duration Target Effect Amount Skill Effect
Murakumo PBS Card 27 - All Eyes On You Murakumo: All Eyes On You SSR 2 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.
Murakumo PBS Card 28 - Untrained Soldier Murakumo: Untrained Soldier SSR 2 10 to 19 sec Enemies -60% Reload Disrupt Disrupts opponents' reloads, reducing reload speed.

Gameplay Tips[]

  • Using Murakumo's Skill Cards can easily cripple enemies' reload time for their water guns, especially on Gatling Gun users.
    • This can make some opponents helpless once they wasted their tanks and have to refill when they have the debuff, making it easy for a KO.
  • Murakumo's Skill Cards are a perfect counterplay to the opponents' support Skill Cards that provide buffs to them. If the opposing team is being buffed at the moment, using a Murakumo Skill Card on them will negate the buff and debuff the opposing team with the negative effect.
  • Using Murakumo's Skill Cards' that have the -60% effect amount proves to be very effective, but they have a higher Cost and a shorter duration than the cards with the -30% effect.
  • It's usually best to level a Murakumo Skill Card up to max level as soon as possible for full effect.

