Kagura Wiki

Mizuki (みずき) is an unplayable character in the Senran Kagura series. She makes her debut in Chapter 44 of Senran Kagura: New Link during a flashback.

She is the direct ancestor of Amane from nine centuries ago, and was a close friend of Toki and Sekirei.


Mizuki was very physically similar to Amane, though she sported a few differences. Her hair was much longer, being tied back into a lengthy ponytail with a white ribbon that left one strand of hair over her face, along with being a slightly darker shade of blue. Her shinobi outfit was a traditional black kimono with detached sleeves and armguards.


Like her descendant, Mizuki was noted as being a very calm and reserved girl that rarely let her emotions slip. Compared to the naive and bubbly Sekirei, she was much more professional and took her duties very seriously.

She often nagged Sekirei for constantly lagging behind, especially compared to her much more talented and powerful cousin, Toki, and didn't have much humor for her excuses. Despite the fact that Sekirei was technically Mizuki's boss, it was Mizuki herself that often chastised her and gave her orders, a trait that tended to annoy Sekirei. The two of them would frequently go back and forth with each other, even with others watching.

Despite these qualities, Mizuki truly cared for Sekirei as a close friend and valued her safety.


Nothing is known about Mizuki's past before she and Sekirei met Toki, only that she was appointed to be Sekirei's bodyguard after the girl became the Heiress to the Kagan Clan.

Mizuki and Sekirei first met Toki in Hanadome Village, as they wanted to see the infamous Kagan Wielder for themselves. During this first meeting, Mizuki would often apologize to Toki for Sekirei's weird and childish behavior, which amused Toki and annoyed Sekirei. Later on, Sekirei proposed that Toki should become friends with her and Mizuki. Though Toki expressed doubts over two good shinobi befriending an evil shinobi, the two of them assured her that it was fine.

After Toki became a Kagura, Mizuki pressed Sekirei to train and catch up to her cousin. Toki expressed a strong desire to unite both good and evil shinobi together, something that Mizuki held doubts towards. Sekirei (jokingly) suggested that Toki could just use Kagan to make the process easier, though neither Toki nor Mizuki found that idea to be appealing.

Faced with a high number of causalities from both sides during the war against the Yōma, Toki would eventually succeed in uniting the remaining shinobi under a coalition, with Toki herself serving as the Shinobi General. Mizuki was greatly impressed that Toki managed such a feat and nagged on Sekirei to be more like her. With good and evil shinobi united under a common enemy, the three of them could stand together without facing judgement.

After this, Mizuki found Toki and Sekirei having their usual talks alone, since both were left with little to do during the coalition. She gifted the two of them pressed gentian flowers, after having learned that they were Toki's favorite, and revealed one for herself so that they could wear them together. Toki happily wore it, declaring that she was happy to have Sekirei and Mizuki by her side as friends.

Mizuki, along with Sekirei, was present when a group of lesser Shinobi attempted to betray Toki and leave both her and Shura in the Shinobi Blood Barrier. Sekirei was shocked when Toki used her Kagan to kill all of the Shinobi, and felt helpless when her former friend lashed out and tried to kill them.

Eventually, Sekirei and Mizuki were forced to leave Toki alone in the Blood Barrier. The two were greatly saddened by what happened. With their leader gone, the coalition fell apart and infighting was rampant. Mizuki felt useless, being an ordinary shinobi with no special power of her own, and could only watch as everything got worse.

Sometime afterwards, Sekirei instructed Mizuki to protect Toki's family and Hanadome Village by using a seal that would make them invisible to the outside world. Mizuki took the orders to heart, and trusted Sekirei to defeat the Yoma and Shura. This was the last time Sekirei and Mizuki saw each other.


Senran Kagura: New Link[]

Chapter 44


  • Mizuki's name (みずき) means 'Beautiful Moon'