As you progress through Deep Crimson her dialogue in her team's hideout will change after specific missions are cleared.
(When spoken to in the hideout): "What?"
(When asking to switch): "Would you like to switch?"
(For the entirety of the Crimson Chapter): "Once you get used to the "cavewoman" lifestyle it's not so bad. The only thing I ask for is my own room. Why? Privacy, that's why! Even around close friends, you still need that sometimes! And no. I'm not gonna go massage myself when nobody's looking!"
(At the start of the Naraku Chapter): "Kyoto, huh? I want to go to Movie Village and rock a kimono. If I wear one of those. I'll be this beautiful, charming lady... ... Are you trying not to laugh? ARRRGH! You SERIOUSLY piss me off sometimes!!"
(When selecting her as guide): "This is Mirai. I'm going to explain everything, so pay attention!"
(When player is idle): "Take your time and pick something!"
(When player is idle): "Cats curled up in stew pots are cute. Don't eat them, thought!"
(When player is idle): "Hey! ...You listening?!"
(When player is idle): "Hmmmm, this is tough..."
(When player is idle): "What's wrong?"
(When selecting a menu from the touch screen): "I choooose you!"
(When exiting a menu): "Never mind!"
(When entering library): "It's full of memories."
(When selecting/switching to Statistics): "Here's our progress"
(When selecting Times Used when Mirai is not most used): "I have to work harder...""I wonder if I can do this...""All right, just a bit more."
(When selecting/switching to Pics): "It's all of our memories."
(When selecting/switching to Movies): "Am I going to be in this?"
(When selecting/switching to Music): "You can listen to your favorite songs."
(When selecting/switching to Voices): "Whose voice do you want to hear?"
(When selecting/switching to Novels): "You can look back on the stories."
(When selecting/switching to Enemy Guide): "I'm not going to lose against these guys!"
(When selecting/switching to Glossary): "I'm going to study and show you!"
(When selecting Progress): "You can check on our stats!"
(When selecting Co-op): "I don't care if I have to be on a two-person team!"
(When selecting Internet Co-op): "I'm going to play with people from far away!"
(When selecting Local Co-op): "I'm going to play with people nearby!"
(When selecting Streetpass Co-op): "I wonder who I'll meet."
(When selecting Record): "Make sure to remember and record!"
(When selecting Save): "I'm going to make a record."
(When selecting Load): "I'm going to load a record."
(When selecting Delete): "I'm going to delete a record."
(When selecting Settings): "You can change the settings."
(When selecting Sound Settings): "You want to change the sound?"
(When adjusting the Voice Volume): "This is Mirai! Hey. Can you hear me?"
(When selecting Visual Settings): "You want to change the visuals and whatnot?"
(When unpausing): "Break time's over!"
(When skipping a cutscene): "Skip on through."
(When checking Progress): "You're interested in me."
(When selecting Missions): "Which one should it be?"
(When selecting Story Missions): "This is our story!"
(When selecting Yōma's Nest): "Time to turn them into Swiss cheese!"
(When selecting Training Field): "I need to get stronger and stronger!"
(When selecting Switch Mirais): "Switch!"
(When switching to Homura/Yomi/Hikage/Murasame): "Homura!/Yomi!/Hikage!/Murasame!"
(When switching from Asuka/Ikaruga/Katsuragi/Hibari/Homura/Yomi/Hikage/Murasame): "Roger!"
(When switching to Haruka/selecting Haruka as your partner): "Mistress Haruka!"
(When switching from Haruka/selecting Mirai as Haruka's partner): "Here we go!"
(When switching to Yagyū/selecting Yagyū as your partner): "I'll leave it to you!"
(When switching from Yagyū/selecting Mirai as Yagyū's partner): "D-Don't touch me like that!"
(When entering): "What should I pick?"
(When entering): "Time to figure out what to wear."
(When entering): "Don't make me wear anything weird!"
(When selecting her Hebijo School uniform): "That's our uniform"
(When selecting her Shinobi Outfit): "That's the cutest shinobi outfit."
(When changing her uniform/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "Not bad."
(When changing her uniform/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "See isn't this cute?"
(When changing her uniform/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "What's this?"
(When changing her uniform/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "Hm? You're weird."
(When changing her uniform/shinobi outfit/hairstyle/accessory): "Just make me look cute!"
(When changing swimsuit): "See, see. Take a look at this!"
(When changing swimsuit): "How's this?! How does this look?!"
(When changing swimsuit): "You like flats, right?!"
(When changing swimsuit): "It feels, tight! It feels tight!"
(Starting a Mission): "Mirai, ready for battle!" (Second possible dialogue) "Time to go all out!"
(Starting a Mission with her as your partner): "Hey, can I tag along?"
(At the start of a Mission/start of a Mission with anyone but Haruka or Yagyū): "I'll sacrifice myself to the will of our dance!"
(At the start of a Mission with Haruka): (She is thinking this) "M-materials..?!" (Says this out loud) "I won't hold you back at all!" (Second possible dialogue) (Thinking this) "R-rewards...?" (Says this out loud) "I-I guess I'll do my best!"
(At the start of a Mission with Yagyū): "Ha!"""Same to you!"" (both girls together) "Mission start!"
(Entering Yang Mode): "Shinobi...Transformation!"
(When using her Secret Ninja Art): "Valkyrie!"
(When using her Secret Ninja Art): "Look how big it is!"
(When using her Aerial Secret Ninja Art): "Wilde Sau!"
(When using her Aerial Secret Ninja Art): "There's nowhere you can run!"
(When using Mirai and Haruka's Fusion Secret Ninja Art): (First possible dialogue) "You want to do this together...""YOU ASSS!""What the...?" (Second possible dialogue) "Mistress Haruka, let's do this together...""Nnnn..." (Third possible dialogue) "This time, we're going to do this together...""DAAAAAAAMMMIT!""It's always the same..." (Fourth possible dialogue) "I wish you'd pay attention to me...""ARRRGGGHHH!""I don't know if I should trust you..." (Fifth possible dialogue) "Is it okay if I lean on you?""Mistress Haruka..."
(When summoning an enemy in Training): "Bring it on!"
(When damaging an opponent's outfit/you outfit is damaged): "Advantage!!"
(When Outfit is damaged): "Y-you're going to pay for that!"
(Mission complete/Mission complete with anyone but Haruka): "I..did it!"
(Mission complete with Haruka): "It's soft... Is this...?!"
(Mission complete with Yagyū): "Hee hee hee.""I didn't even break a sweat!"
(When Mission score is A): "Ehee hee. Who's awesome?!"
(When Mission score is B): "Woo! I rock!"
(Aborting a Mission): "I'm not feeling it..."
(Aborting a Mission): "I-I just realized I forgot something!"
(Aborting a Mission): "Retiring!"
(Aborting a Mission): "Abort mission!"
(Aborting a Mission): "R-Retreat!"
(Aborting a Mission with Yagyū): "Hey... Snap out of it!"
(When selecting Mission difficulty to easy): "It's even easy for me."
(When selecting Mission difficulty to medium): "I'm gonna shred them!"
(When selecting Mission difficulty to hard): "To overcome adversity!"
(When leveling up): "I wonder if my training is paying off."