This page talks about Minori's relationships with characters in the Senran Kagura series.
Minori's Parents[]
Very little is known about Minori's parents, but it is implied they had a stable relationships as Minori states the fact that her parents used to play with her all the time before they died. This could mean she was very close to them.
Minori has a very strong relationship with her adoptive caretaker -- Kurokage. After the death of her parents, Kurokage took her in and raised her alongside Yumi and the others. He used to play with her all the time in her parents place, and trained her using that same method which resulted in her treating shinobi work as a form of playing.
Minori loves Kurokage very much, and states that being with him makes it easier for her to forget the fact that her parents are no longer alive. She has also shown that his happiness means a great deal to her, and acknowledged the fact that she was being selfish when he was bedridden and continued to ask him to play with her even though she knew why couldn't.
Gessen Girls' Academy[]
Minori and Yumi don't interact with each other that much, but Minori still highly respects Yumi. (This is mainly shown when Minori calls Yumi Gessen's "Big sis." during the Hanzō arc of Shinovi Versus.)
Minori and Murakumo Don't interact with each other often, but the 2 have a stable relationship. Minori does tend to tease Murakumo a bit by taking her mask off her face and run around with it, expecting Murakumo to chase after her.
Yozakura's and Minori's relationship is like a relationship of a mother and daughter. Yozakura looks after Minori the most as she wants to help Minori mature and act more like her current age, which is why she's willing to discipline her when necessary, (much to Minori's annoyance) as seen in Shinovi Versus. Despite failing on multiple occasions, Yozakura loves Minori and wishes to take care of her as if she was one of her younger siblings.
Minori and Shiki do interact with each other on occasion kind of like what sister's would do and it is shown that Minori cares for Shiki a lot. This is mainly shown in the Gessen Arc of Peach Beach Splash When Minori discovers that Shiki may transfer to another school and Shiki asks Minori to keep it a secret. Minori is also shown to be crying when Shiki chooses to accept the offer to transfer to a new school.
Hanzō National Academy[]
Minori has a great friendship with Asuka after she and Yagyū planned to throw a little act to celebrate Minori, Yomi and Hibari's birthday in one of Peach Beach Splash's Paradise Episodes.
Ikaruga is deeply impressed with Minori's cooking, as she was force fed some of Minori's apple pie and loved it so much that she kept eating it between her lines during her and Yomi's Dual Shinobi Hearts' story in Estival Versus. In fact, Ikaruga was so impressed that she now even has high hopes that Minori will open a bakery so her talents can shine all across the country.
Minori sees Yagyū as someone that acts like a motherly figure towards Hibari, much like Yozakura is acting towards her.
Though she is her rival of Hanzō Academy, Minori sees Hibari as a playmate and one of her best friends, as they both like to play and eat sweets together. But beforehand, Hibari's relationship with Minori was weird. When they first met in Shinovi Versus, Hibari was confused with how Minori was acting childish and wasn't taking things seriously. However, she was surprised to know how powerful she was after they fought. After realizing that Minori is one of Kurokage's granddaughters and when they fight for the last time, Hibari learns that the reason Minori wants to play 24/7 is because she knows that everyone will die at some point, especially those you are close to, so she rather spend as much time playing before it's too late.
Minori and Hibari also wish to have others look at them as matured people and act more mature around others as well, to which in their Dual Shinobi Hearts' story in Estival Versus, they consumed one of Haruka's concoctions that changes their maturity by changing their voices to a more deeper tone.
Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy[]
Murasaki was Minori's usher for her show in Ikaruga and Yomi's Dual Shinobi Hearts' story, keeping everyone in line and handing out a bunch of Minori's apple pies to the crowd. Murasaki wanted nothing to do with anything that's public-related in the beginning, but at the end of the story, Murasaki started to come around and obliged to her role as soon as she tried some of Minori's apple pie and complimented Minori for her wondrous baking skills.
There aren't any special interactions between these two, except for in one of Peach Beach Splash's Paradise Episodes, Minori is paranoiac of Imu and her shiny forehead from getting deeply mesmerized by it, as if she was getting sucked in like a black hole.
It is shown that in one of the special missions in Estival Versus, Minori is really scared of Ryōbi because of her mean and sadistic behavior towards others. Ryōbi is opposed to this opinion however, for she tells Minori that she's not always that bad, but doesn't seem to convince her.
Homura's Crimson Squad[]
The two have a positive relationship as established at the end Minori's Shinobi Girls Heart story in Shinovi Versus, in which she had been looking for new candy having eaten all of her previous candy the day before. Minori eventually ran into Yomi during her search and approached her for candy. Yomi gave Minori a chocolate covered bean sprout which at first Minori didn't know if she should eat until Yomi insisted on eating it. After doing so Minori took a liking to it saying it was the yummiest yummy ever. Yomi in turn took an instant liking to Minori saying she finally found a sister in sprout-itude.
In Ikaruga and Yomi's Dual Shinobi Hearts, Yomi was mildly upset that Minori's All-You-Can-Eat show had a much bigger audience than her and Ikaruga's 25-hour charity show's audience. However, in the end of the story, her bond further strengthens with Minori when Murasaki force fed Yomi some of Minori's apple pie, and absolutely loved it so much that she apologizes to Minori for her past aggression and wants to include Minori in her and Ikaruga's next show.
Nothing is implied between Minori and Haruka. However, it might be shown that Haruka might not trust Minori anymore when she confused her concoctions with colorful syrup that Minori can use for her sweets in Minori's Shinobi Girls Heart story in EV, and that Haruka was the first victim to eating Minori's sweets without knowing the consequences.
Overseers of the Festival[]
In Hanabi's Shinobi Girls' Heart story in EV, Minori is amazed by Hanabi's ability to explode like a firework. Minori would like to blow up like a firework too and considers Hanabi as a friend after playing with her in order to have 'pretend kabooms.' Hanabi is actually thankful for Minori for teaching her how to not accidentally explode profusely via Minori's innocence, and thanks her with an epic firework show.
In Kafuru's Shinobi Girls' Heart story in EV, because of her size and appearance, Minori sees Kafuru as another playmate and wants her to play many games with her. Kafuru, on the other hand, is appalled by Minori's behavior and sees her as an actual naive child that will never grow up.