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The Kagan (華眼, meaning: Flower Eye) is a powerful Eye Technique that is exclusive to Hibari's family.

The Kagan grants the selected wielder complete control of the minds of any living being they make eye contact with, making it one of the most powerful (and most dangerous) Mystic Eyes in Senran Kagura.

Hibari and Toki are the only known active users.


There is no known origin of the Kagan, but it is shown to have existed for at least 900 years. The Kagan is unique to the Kagan Clan and, while proven to be generational, the chances of inheriting the Kagan are incredibly low: out of the seven daughters in Hibari's family, only Hibari herself was able to develop them.

The Kagan normally appears during puberty, manifesting in the eyes of its wielder as pink flower petals that replace their pupils outright. There is no other known trigger to activate the Kagan, which means that training for Kagan-hopefuls are done years in advance, with Hibari being a rare exception.

The rarity of the Kagan means that actual users are few and far in between, and those who are born to a parent with the Kagan but don't develop it themselves are referred to as the derogatory term 'Hananashi' (華無し, meaning Non-Flower) by members of the clan. Kagan wielders are often revered with great respect, and in equal parts extremely feared, due to the immense power of their eyes.

Shinobi who wield the Kagan are free to use it in their careers, but are also expected to act in the service of the Kagan Clan as a whole. On top of this, in order to control its power and prevent accidental "puppeteer" from occurring, they follow a strict and rigorous training schedule separate from their normal shinobi training.

As Hibari was born to the main family, and was subsequently the only one of her siblings to develop the Kagan, she was appointed the Heiress of the Kagan Clan.

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Toki, displaying her Kagan.


Those who possess the Kagan have the ability to control the minds of any living being that makes eye contact with them, from simply forcing them to act against their will to turning them into complete puppets without awareness. It can also combat other forms of mind control and possessions, as Hibari displayed against Reki in Senran Kagura: New Wave's final event.

Humans aren't the only ones susceptible to the Kagan — even Yōma can be controlled, including sentient Yōma such as Shura. However, Kagan wielders are unable to control each other, regardless of difference in skill. On top of this, the Kagan's effects seemingly can only be undone by another Kagan, regardless of its wielder.

Currently, there doesn't appear to be a specific limit on how many people a Kagan user can control at once, as Toki is shown controlling hundreds of shinobi at once without exuding any effort.

Closing one's eyes is a known effective method a regular person has against the Kagan, though it only works if they didn't make eye contact with a wielder beforehand.

Known Wielders[]


  • It's currently unknown whether the Kagan is able to skip generations and appear on the child of Kagan-less parents.
  • Interestingly, the design of Toki's Kagan is noticeably different from both Hibari's and Sekirei's. Though there is no explanation for this, it can be theorized that it is an advanced form of the Kagan due to Toki's own mastery and talent with the eyes.
  • If the latter is to be believed, the Kagan can be compared to Shisui Ichiha's Mangekyō Sharingan from Naruto.