This pages contains Hibari's quotes from each game she's appeared in.
Portrait of Girls/Crimson Girls[]
- (When entering): "Don't you dare peek!"
- (When entering): "What should I wear?"
- (When entering): "I'm gonna change!"
- (When selecting the Hanzō Uniform): "That's our uniform."
- (When selecting her Shinobi Outfit): "I like this best!"
- (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "Do I look cute?"
- (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "Do you think it looks good on me?"
- (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "How do I look?"
- (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "You like it, huh?"
- (When changing uniform/shinobi outfit/accessory): "Exciting, huh?"
- (When changing swimsuit): "Yaaay!"
- (When changing swimsuit): "I wanna go swimming!"
- (When changing swimsuit): "It's cute, isn't it?"
- (When changing swimsuit): "Tee hee! Does it suit me?"
- (Boob shake): "Not from behind!"
- (Boob shake): "Uh, um..."
- (Boob shake): "What's your problem?!"
- (Boob shake): "You have to stop it."
- (Boob shake): "I-I'm embarrassed..."
- (Boob shake): "What?! No way!"
- (When zoomed in): "What are you doing?"
Deep Crimson[]
- (When using Hibari and Yagyū's Secret Fusion Ninja Art): (first dialogue) "Yup, I can do it on my own!" (second dialogue) "I can do it if I try!" (third dialogue) "Okay, Yagyū!" (fourth dialogue) "I'll do my best!" (fifth dialogue) "I won't lose!"
- (Mission complete with Yagyū): "We did it!" "Ninto!"
- (When Mission score is D): "Phew, that was close!"
Shinovi Versus[]
Menu, Screen, Idle, and Ninja Room quotes.
- (When player is idle): "Are you sleepy?"
- (When player is idle): "It makes me wonder..."
- (When player is idle): "Maybe I should eat a snack?"
- (When player is idle): "I'm hungry."
- (When entering the Library): "You wanna watch or listen to something?"
- (When switching to Pictures in the Library): "I looove everybody!"
- (When switching to Videos in the Library): "Everybody is moving all over the place!"
- (When switching to Music in the Library): "Yay. What are you going to listen to?"
- (When switching to Voice in the Library): "I'll try and sound as nice as I can!"
- (When switching to Score in the Library): "This all comes from our hard work!"
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When rank 1): "???"
- (When viewing Usage Ranking in the Library - When not rank 1): "Everybody! I'm almost there!"
- (When selecting Shinobi Girls' Code): "Let's enjoy the story!"
- (When selecting Shinobi Girl's Heart): "This is my story!"
- (When selecting Training Field): "I gotta try my best in my secret training!"
- (After selecting a mission): "Let's go!"
- (After selecting a mission): "VROOM! VROOM!"
- (After selecting a mission): "I'm not going to lose!"
- (After selecting a mission): "I'm heading out!"
- (After selecting a mission): "D-Don't hurt me."
- (When selecting Character Select): "I'm tired.."
- (When selecting Character Select): "Who should I switch with?"
- (When switching to Hibari on Character Select): "Got it."
- (When switching to Hibari on Character Select): "I'll do my best."
- (When viewing Hibari's Progress screen): "You can check my stats."
- (When viewing Hibari's Tech List screen): "You can learn all about my moves."
- (When entering the Ninja Room start menu): "Which one shall it be!?"
- (When entering the Records menu): "Records.♪ Records.♪"
- (When entering the Shinobi Dojo): "I'm not going to lose!"
- (When entering the School Select menu): "Choose your favorite school."
- (When entering the Settings menu): "You can change the volume levels."
- (When adjusting voice levels in the Settings menu): "Can you hear me?"
- (When selecting an option from the Ninja Room start screen): "I've decided!"
- (When exiting out out of Ninja Room start screen/aborting Free Training): "I-I'll hold off..."
- (When exiting the pause menu during a mission): "Break's over."
- (When aborting a mission): "R-Retreat!"
- (When learning something new): "I got it!"
-Flash Mode-
- (Idle): "*Yawn* I'm tired..."
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "I did it!"
- (Taunt): "It's Hiiibari!"
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "Good to go!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "See you later!"
- (Dazed): "???"
- (Victory): "I did my best!."
-Yang Mode-
- (Entering Yang mode): "Shinobi Transformation!"
- (Idle): "Hmm-Hmm-Hmm! I'm ready for anything today!"
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "I'm on a roll."
- (Taunt): "I can't lose!"
- (Taunt): "Bring it on!"
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "I can do this!"
- (Ninto Vroom): "Ninto! Ah! Here it comes! Vroom Vroom!"
- (Ninto Vroom): "Ninto! Ah! Ummm.... Go!"
- (Butt Go Boom!): "Butt bump, incoming! BOOM!"
- (Butt Go Boom!): "One! Two! Three!!"
- (Launch attack): "I'll do it!"
- (Transition into Aerial Rave): "Go!"
- (Dazed): "???"
- (Victory): "I did it!"
-Yin Mode-
- (Entering Yin mode): "Frantic!"
- (Idle): "Mmm... Should I keep going?"
- (After defeating all the enemies within a Shinobi Barrier): "Got 'em."
- (Taunt): "No holding back."
- (Taunt): "Over here, dimwit!"
- (Ninja Art Gauge filled): "Here I gooo!"
- (Ninto Vroom): "Ninto! Ah. He-- Woah! Coming through!"
- (Ninto Vroom): "It's your turn! Ah! Lets go!"
- (Ninto Vroom): "Come on out! Oh! Let us go!"
- (Butt Go Boom!): "Let us go! Here comes the butt bump!"
- (Butt Go Boom!): "Ninto! Time for the ol' butt bump!"
- (Butt Go Boom!): "Lets go!...Wow! BOOM!"
- (Crazy Rabbit): "Come, White Widow! ...Break straight through!"
- (Crazy Rabbit): "I summon... White Widow! May all be cleansed!"
- (Launch attack): "Stay back!"
- (Launch attack): "Oh, what?"
- (Launch attack): "Don't make fun of me!"
- (Dazed): "???"
- (Victory): "I can do this on my own!"
Bon Appétit![]
Estival Versus[]
Peach Beach Splash[]
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "Yay!"
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "I got one!"
- (KO'ing an enemy shinobi) "I'm not gonna lose!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "3-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "5-shinobi streak!"
- (Achieving a Streak) "10-shinobi streak!"
- (Recovering) "Oopsy daisy!"
- (Stripped) "That's a no-no!"
- (Stripped) "This is embarrassing..."
- (Down) "I can't go on..."
- (Down) "I'm sorry..."
- (Soaked) "I-I'm so sad..."
- (Soaked) "D-Don't look..."
- (Starting Mission) "Let's...splash!"
- (Starting Mission) "Hibari, ready to go!"
- (Starting Mission) "All right... I'm not gonna lose!"
- (Starting Mission) "Now...let's have a fair fight!"
- (Starting Mission) "I, Hibari, will show you a dance cloaked in shadow!"
- (Starting Mission) "Hibari, ready to roll!"
- (Completing Mission) "I did it!"
- (Completing Mission) "I was able to do it on my own!"
- (Completing Mission) "I won!"
- (Failing Mission) "No way..."
- (Failing Mission) "And I was so close..."
- (Failing Mission) "I lost..."
- (Powering Up) "That feels so good!"
- (Powering Up) "I can do this!"
- (Powering Up) "Power up. ♪"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "I'm gonna do it!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Get ready!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Here I go!"
- (Initiating a Squirmy Finish) "Leave it to me!"
- (Charging Card) "I'm real serious now!"
- (Receiving Buff) "Hooray!"
- (Receiving Buff) "All right!"
- (Receiving Buff) "Here it comes!"
- (Receiving Debuff) "This is hard..."
- (Summoning Pet) "Come on out!"
- (Summoning Pet) "Summon!"
- (Summoning Pet) "Please!"
- (Being Idle) *Sneezes*
- (Being Idle) "This is exciting!"
- (Being Idle) "Power of Kagan! ...Guess I can't use it..."
- (Being Idle) "I wonder where Yagyū is..."
- (Being Idle) "I'm hungry..."
- (Enemy Appears) "They're here!"
- (KO'ing an Enemy) "Easy, peezy!"
- (Taunting) "Over already?"
- (Taunting) "I'm strong!"
- (Taunting) "Over here, over here. ♪"
- (Taunting) "Hurry, hurry!"
- (Taunting) "You want some Mr. Bunny cookies?"
- (Communication 1) "Hey!"
- (Communication 2) "Bye-bye!"
- (Communication 3) "I'm so happy!"
- (Communication 4) "*whines*"
- (Communication 5) "I'm so mad!"
- (Communication 6) "Hip, hip, hooray!"
- (Communication 7) "Get me right here!"
- (Communication 8) "Over here, over here!"
- (Communication 9) "You're really gonna get it!"
- (Communication 10) "Ahem!"
-Game Start-Up-
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA!"
- (Calling the Title) "SENRAN KAGURA: Peach Beach Splash"
- (Starting a New Game) "Right from the start!"
- (Continuing the Game) "Let's keep going!"
- (Continuing the Game) "I'll do my very best today!"
- (Continuing the Game) "I wanted to meet you. ♪"
- (Selecting Single Player) "Single Splash!"
- (Selecting Multiplayer) "Multi-Splash!"
- (Selecting Training) "Training!"
- (Selecting Story Mode) "Story Mode!"
- (Selecting V-Road Challenge) "V-Road Challenge!"
- (Selecting Tutorial) "Tutorial!"
- (Selecting Practice) "Practice!"
- (Selecting Mission) ""
- (Starting Mission as Hibari) ""
- (Resuming Mission) ""
- (Aborting Mission) ""
- (Retrying Mission) ""
- (Retiring from Mission) ""
- (Receiving an A Rank) ""
- (Receiving a B Rank) ""
- (Receiving a C Rank) ""
- (Receiving a D Rank) ""
- (Skipping Cutscene) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Editing Card Deck) ""
- (Selecting Library) ""
- (Selecting Battle Records) ""
- (Selecting Movies) ""
- (Selecting Illustrations) ""
- (Selecting Soundtracks) ""
- (Selecting Voices) ""
- (Selecting Card Book) ""
- (Selecting Settings) ""
- (Adjusting Voice Volume) ""
- (Confirming Selection) ""
- (Rejecting Selection) ""
- (Selecting An Option) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
- (Waiting in Menu) ""
-Dressing Room-
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Dressing Up) ""
- (Selecting Favorite Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Changing Outfit) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Adding an Accessory) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Hairstyle) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Changing Lingerie) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Adjusting Accessory) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Reacting in VR) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Zooming Into Her Face) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Shaking Her Cleavage) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Viewing Her At a Low-Angle) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Touching Her Body) ""
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Remaining Idle) '
- (Remaining Idle) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Entering the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Leaving the Shop) ""
- (Selecting Purchase) ""
- (Confirming Purchase) ""
- (Insufficient Funds) ""
- (Out of Stock) ""
Burst Re:Newal[]
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When selecting a mission with Hibari) ""
- (When choosing a mission) ""
- (When returning from a mission) ""
- (When checking Hibari's Tech Lists) ""
- (When exiting pause mode during a mission) ""
- (When aborting a mission) ""
- (When leveling up) ""
- (When leveling up) ""
- (When leveling up) ""
- (When leveling up) ""
- (When 1st on the leaderboard) ""
- (Progressing in F, Yi, or Ya) ""
- (When ranked A) ""
- (When ranked B) ""
- (When ranked C) ""
- (When ranked D) ""
- (When the mission was failed) ""
- (When skipping a story scene) ""